Fish Crazy
Hi There. My 72G is almost done cycling (again). I just want to run this by the forum for the last time before the big shopping day.
Here is what I plan to have (when all is said and done) in my 72G tank:
5 Discus
10 Rummynose Tetras
5 Corydoras Sterbai
1 Gold Nugget Plec
Here are my questions:
1. Is the overall fish content overstocked? If so, then where can I cut down without eliminating species?
2. Would it be okay to add everything except the Discus as my initial stock after the fishless cycle is done?
I know not to add Discus to a "new" tank because it might be unstable. I plan to add the Discus around 8 weeks after the initial fish introduced.
Thanks in advance.

Here is what I plan to have (when all is said and done) in my 72G tank:
5 Discus
10 Rummynose Tetras
5 Corydoras Sterbai
1 Gold Nugget Plec
Here are my questions:
1. Is the overall fish content overstocked? If so, then where can I cut down without eliminating species?
2. Would it be okay to add everything except the Discus as my initial stock after the fishless cycle is done?
I know not to add Discus to a "new" tank because it might be unstable. I plan to add the Discus around 8 weeks after the initial fish introduced.
Thanks in advance.