Stocking Verification for 72G US


Fish Crazy
Jul 24, 2003
Reaction score
New York, NY
Hi There. My 72G is almost done cycling (again). I just want to run this by the forum for the last time before the big shopping day. :kana:

Here is what I plan to have (when all is said and done) in my 72G tank:

5 Discus
10 Rummynose Tetras
5 Corydoras Sterbai
1 Gold Nugget Plec

Here are my questions:

1. Is the overall fish content overstocked? If so, then where can I cut down without eliminating species?

2. Would it be okay to add everything except the Discus as my initial stock after the fishless cycle is done?

I know not to add Discus to a "new" tank because it might be unstable. I plan to add the Discus around 8 weeks after the initial fish introduced.

Thanks in advance.
no it isnt overstocked, you will be fine! :D

and yes you can add the other fish now, but not all at once. wait at least 5-7 day intervals for adding each species of fish.
I would add the corydoras first, then the pleco. I would wait a while then add the rummy-nose and wait again before adding the discus. That's just me though.
And nope your tank won't be overstocked!
Okay... maybe I'm a tad confused here... but I thought the purpose of fishless cycling is so that you can stock your tank immediately with a bunch of fish.

If I only put some corys... then won't the large bacterial colony start to die off because the corys aren't producing the amount of ammonia that it was being fed during the fishless cycling process? :dunno:

I was thinking that I'd be able to add the corys, tetra, and the plec in the "first phase"... then the Discus in the "second phase" a while down the road.

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