Stocking suggestions:)


New Member
Sep 26, 2017
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Hi guys! :) I got a new marina 360 10l tank and was thinking what to put in:) I thought some arowana as my fish shop have then and they're really small and cute:) I also thought maybe a school of 3 scissortail rasbora as they are cool, the fish shop guy said they grow to 10cm though o_O does this mean they are too big for my tank?:) maybe I could have one arowana and a loach I really like clown loaches to eat the algae:) What do you all think:)?
I'm afraid your options in 10 litres are extremely limited. None of the fish you have suggested will work. All of these are schooling fish so need at least 6 to be happy. A 100 liter tank would still be much to small for arrowana or clown loach and is the minimum size for scissortail rasbora.

What about a single betta? But please please read before you even think about putting fish in.
OK,, I'll avoid those:) maybe some cherry shrimp would be nice:) they stay small I think:) although don't shrimp need salty water? Would this be possible to do?
I hate to be the one to tell you this but 10 litres is simply not big enough for an aquarium. Is it too late to get a refund? Small tanks are also much harder to maintain than big ones.

For info on individual species useful sites are and
OK I'll return it to the store:) thank you very much:)
I am so pleased to hear you say that :)

This is the tank in question I cannot understand why companies make tanks like this :(

If you want just a small tank, look into something in the region of 25 litres which would be perfect for a single betta (Siamese fighting fish) - once it has been cycled. See 'cycling a tank' in the how to menu at the top of the page.

(Just to give you an idea of the fish you mentioned in the first post: clown loaches need to be in a group of at least 6, grow to almost 12 inches/30 cm long and need a tank with a footprint of 180 x 60 cm; the smallest arowana species grows to at least 70 cm/28 inches and need enormous tanks. The fish in shops are babies.)
Thank you all:) I have returned the tank and got a full refund:) I will save up for a larger tank - maybe 30 to 40 litres and am thinking of having a betta and cherry shrimp :) thanks all very much, I can't believe what would ahve happened if i got the fish, i cant believe fish shops would allow this but thanks again everyone for your help:) I have read up on the cycle and will do that:) Thanks again I am very grateful as if not for you guys those fish would have had a bad life in my tiny tank, cant bear to think of it:(
Some fish shops are terrible, they will sell you anything, good on you for doing your homework! it will make you a better fishkeeper in the long term. :clap:

be careful with bettas and cherry shrimp, the betta can and will predate on cherry shrimp, so they either need a TON of hiding space, IE shrimp caves, and tons of java moss everywhere.

A better species of shrimp to consider would be Amano shrimp, they are slightly larger and a bit more robust, but they will still need hiding space, especially if your betta has an aggressive personality, it will still attack them, so again lots of shrimp caves and java moss is a must.
I'll see what I can do :) Ammo shrimp l;ook really nice. There are lots of second hand tanks going for cheap on Facebook in my local area:) If one is cheap enough i could get a large tank!
go for something that suits how much time you can dedicate to it, the bigger the tank the more maintenance cleaning vaccing poop etc etc.. you get the picture haha.
Thank you, I will keep that in mind:)

I wouldn't fuss over this aspect. I have 8 tanks in my fish room, and weekly maintenance is 3 hours, sometimes 4 if I also do some aquascaping during the water change maintenance. If I had one 10g tank, I would likely spend 20-30 minutes; a 40g tank is not more than a few minutes more.

Always in general get the largest you can manage, considering where it is going (water is heavy...), what fish you intend or would like (species have issues like numbers if they are shoaling fish so you need more of them for them to be healthy), and the expense (tanks use electricity, minimal no doubt but some people worry about this, and there is water too).
i think i am a little more OCD when it comes to my tanks byron, i could spend endless hours just making sure there is no algae to be seen haha, if i had a 200gal i would hate to think how much time i would spend cleaning it, as it is i have a 130litre a 113 litre and a 30litre, getting a another 120litre this weekend.... you always want more once you get started.
maybe I could have one arowana and a loach I really like clown loaches to eat the algae:) What do you all think:)?

you need to do A LOT of reading before you purchase any fish....

an arowanna can grow to 18-24 inches depending on the type....i had a red one that grew about 16 inches

clown loaches also get way too big for your tank

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