Stocking Suggestions For Newbie

Shop will not take them back and unsure what to do now. If I keep these four fish, is there anything else i can put with them later once cycled or are they simply not suitable for a 54 ltr tank ?
If its a stone wall no no i,ll have to figure a solution out sharpish.
at a bit of a lost end ?
valuable lesson learned on the folly of steaming in.  muchus figuring out to be done.
fluttermoth said:
They are called  "norwegian flag tetra" roughly translated.
Never heard them called that before (oh, how I do hate common names!).

I think it's what's more usually known as a 'Buenos Aires tetra', Hyphessobrycon anisitsi.

They are a really bad choice for your tank. Not only do they grow to around 7cms, they're also very boisterous and active, and ought to be in a tank of at least three feet long. And, just to cap it all, they can be very, very nippy when kept in small numbers, so you're going to struggle to find anything that could go with them.

I would return them to the shop, do a fishless cycle, and then get something more appropriate, tbh.
There is such a thing as a Flag Tetra, also known as a Belgian Flag Tetra.

Clearly, the orange, yellow and black stripe looks like the flag of Belgium. Maximum size of these is about 4cm.
The picture you posted is, as Fluttermoth says, a Buenos Aires Tetra, which gets to 7cm, and needs a minimum 100l tank.
bullgoose said:
Shop will not take them back and unsure what to do now.
If the LFS has sold them as a Flag Tetra (leaving aside the Norwegian bit!), then they have been mis-sold, as they are not Flag Tetra. Under the Sale of Goods Act, the goods sold are not as described, therefore you require an immediate refund. Further refusal will lead to you contacting your local authority Trading Standards Department. Take a photo of the label on the tank as evidence, especially if it shows the scientific name as well.
nah, they are definatley buenes aires tetras.  Pretty disgusted with the shops behaviour as I was very specific when telling them the tank size and what i was aiming for.  Will try  to persuade them again to take them back.
Anyone in Aarhus Denmark willing to take four Buenos Aires tetra ?
to them !
How long will they take to grow full size ?. Guess i can use them on a fish in cycle whilst i hunt out a happy home for them.
thanks again for the pointers.
Ah, you might wanna edit your profile, so it says you are in Denmark. That said, I would imagine there is similar legislation there to the UK, that protects consumers from businesses mis-selling.
Managed to swap the four problem tetra with 4 male guppys through the internet so im commited to a fish in cycle.
Would having these 4 guppies with 6 celestial pearl danio, 6 salt and pepper cory, some shrimp and a couple of snails be ok for the final tank ??
I thought taking out the honey gourami would provide space for the shrimp and snails. 
does anyone see a problem with this ??
p.s  ( Celestial pearl danios might be difficult to source here so could i have  6 zebra danio or 6 neons instead if i cant find them)
once again thanks for the help !
P.P.S  (as a substrate i have gravel and read somewhere this might not be so good for some cory, whats the views on here regarding that ?)   if not suited to this substrate what bottom dweller for a small 54 litre tank  is ?
Cory's do prefer a sand substrate as they like to snuffle through it.
Zebra Danios and Neons are too active for your tank.
Your stocking looks pretty good. You don't really have to worry about the room for shrimp and snails as they have a small bio-load.

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