Stocking Suggestions For 40G Tank


Fish Fanatic
Aug 22, 2006
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We are very interested in setting up a ciclid tank in our 40 gal. We were hoping for some suggestions of appropriate fish that would get along fairly well and not get too big.

Any suggestions?


African or American?
What dimensions is your tank?
Which africans? :) Your tank dimensions arent really suited to malawi as you want the length not the height. Tanganikan cichlids will be better suited.
Which africans? :) Your tank dimensions arent really suited to malawi as you want the length not the height. Tanganikan cichlids will be better suited.

Do you have any specific suggestions? I'm more familiar with the malawi, but definitely open to whichever type of fish will do best.
The smaller Mbuna Africans would be better suited to a tank that size. Have a google for mbuna such as socolofi, mpanga, neon spot. You could also have 4 or 5 yellow labs. You would have to stock heavily with the mbuna as it will help to cut down on any aggression, ratio of 1 male to 2 or 3 females of each species or a male only tank, but you will also have to have lots of filtration to compensate for the heavy stocking :good:
We were doing some research on fish this weekend and my husband really liked the Pseudotropheus demasoni. What can you tell me about these and what else could I put in the tank with them?


Unless someone is very experienced with the mbuna I would strongly advise to stay away from the demasonii, they`re extremely high on aggression and it`s advised generally to keep them with other highly aggressive fish or in a species only tank. They apparently should be kept in numbers of approx 12 (minimum) in a bid to cut down on aggression but adding other fish with them would just be cruel as they`re quite likely to be killed.

Clearly not a fish for a beginner or the inexperienced :no:
The demasonii may look nice but there`s usually a price to pay if you keep them. :/
or why not try some Neolamprologus brichardi ? there great family cichlid and stunning to watch ... and when breeding there fry help raise the next batch of fry etc etc .... be ok in that size tank and water conditions aswel
or why not try some Neolamprologus brichardi ? there great family cichlid and stunning to watch ... and when breeding there fry help raise the next batch of fry etc etc .... be ok in that size tank and water conditions aswel

How many of these can I put in my tank? They are very pretty fish.
well at the moment my wild pair are in a 2x1x1 56ltr tank with over 60 fry so in your tank you could get away with a fair few ... there a schooling fish aswel and only seperate to breed and even then the others in the tank help raise the fry its amazing to watch ... ill have to get a video of mine for you

so for a 40gal or 151.4 litre tank id imagine you could fit a few pairs in there and thats all your need as once they get breeding then your have more than enough to keep you busy and sell on
Kribs are a nice addetion to any home aquarium, easy to deal with a fun to watch

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