Stocking Sugestions For A 120l

Ive got a Rekord 120 brackish set up with green spotted puffers. Brackish is no harder than tropical, you just literally add a few spoons of salt. I use AquaTonic Salt, and add 1 tablespoon for every 10-12 litres. So when you do a water change (10%), just add another tablespoon of salt, and thats it! Obv watch for salt creep when the water evaporates and so increases the salt level, but a cheap hydrometer from your LFS will do the trick. Easy!!

Actually Aquatonic salt is not the right salt! It is for freshwater tanks. You need salt that is used in marine tanks. Your tank would be ok for figure eights but GSPs need a salinity around 1.008 at least as they mature. If you have more than one in 120 liters they will get agressive real quik. At six inches they will get really cramped.
Would you recommend a pair of figure 8 puffers?
I have a tank with a pair of F8s and bumblebee gobies in and I also have a tank with Dwarf Puffers too. In the whole, the DPs are easier to maintain being freshwater fish, but the F8s are wonderful fish too. I would be torn between which ones to lose if I ever had that situation arise, but freshwater fish are always easier to look after.

With any puffers you have, you will have to over filtrate the tank and do weekly 50% water changes without fail. They require perfect water conditions to thrive. They need plenty of space and should ideally be kept in a species only situation (with any F8 or DP you're taking a risk adding BBGs to the F8 tanks and otocinclus to the DP tanks), but these two puffers will possibly tolerate the mentioned tankmates if the tank is well planted with lots to break up lines of sight and places for the BBGs to hide in.

If you have any questions about my fish/setups feel free to pm me :D
Ah Jenny, nice to see you again. We both often stare at the tank in Charring X Hospital! I think we're chatted about it a while back.

Well here's my plan. I've got a 3ft tank that I'm going to switch to sand substrate in the next month or two. Once the tank has settled again I'm going to rehome the community fish in there. Then I'l going to do a little redecorating and keep it simple....some bogwood and plenty of planted Vallis. Hopefully this will give a lovely effect something like sea kelp (ie lots of vertical plants).

Whilst all this is going on I'm going to switch the tank over to brackish. Once all the tests come back happy then I'll be on the hunt for a nice pair of F8 puffers.

How does that sound to everyone?
Good :) Just remember to gradually increase the salinity by 1.002 each week...dont wanna kill all of your bacteria :D
Ah Jenny, nice to see you again. We both often stare at the tank in Charring X Hospital! I think we're chatted about it a while back.

Well here's my plan. I've got a 3ft tank that I'm going to switch to sand substrate in the next month or two. Once the tank has settled again I'm going to rehome the community fish in there. Then I'l going to do a little redecorating and keep it simple....some bogwood and plenty of planted Vallis. Hopefully this will give a lovely effect something like sea kelp (ie lots of vertical plants).

Whilst all this is going on I'm going to switch the tank over to brackish. Once all the tests come back happy then I'll be on the hunt for a nice pair of F8 puffers.

How does that sound to everyone?

So we have Andy! :lol:

The tank's looking awful at the moment...really green! :(

Anyhoo, back to your tank is the same Jewel Rekord and I have 2 F8s in there :D It all sounds like a plan and I look forward to keeping up with your progress in the brackish section with anew diary (hopefully) and millions of pics :D

My set up needs freshening up at the moment as my plants struggled to thrive with the single T8 bulb the tank comes with and had to be removed eventually. It was a shame as I loved all the long valis -_-

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