Stocking Sugestions For A 120l

120 liters should have about 26 gallons or so if i calculated correctly. if you're going for dwarf puffers, you can house quite a number but there's always always the aggression issue. there's a male:female ratio i think which i can't remember at the moment :lol:

apart from that you're open to many choices actually. small shoals of community fishes would do fine in there.
120 liters should have about 26 gallons or so if i calculated correctly. if you're going for dwarf puffers, you can house quite a number but there's always always the aggression issue. there's a male:female ratio i think which i can't remember at the moment :lol:

apart from that you're open to many choices actually. small shoals of community fishes would do fine in there.

Could do a community set up or a Brackish Figure 8 set up :shifty: :shifty:
Ive got a Rekord 120 brackish set up with green spotted puffers. Brackish is no harder than tropical, you just literally add a few spoons of salt. I use AquaTonic Salt, and add 1 tablespoon for every 10-12 litres. So when you do a water change (10%), just add another tablespoon of salt, and thats it! Obv watch for salt creep when the water evaporates and so increases the salt level, but a cheap hydrometer from your LFS will do the trick. Easy!!
Just read a bit about Green spotted puffers they are very cute but grow to 6". How many do you have in the tank and what tank mates do you have with them?

Thanks for the info about the salt levels. I'm temped to give it a go!
Just read a bit about Green spotted puffers they are very cute but grow to 6". How many do you have in the tank and what tank mates do you have with them?

Thanks for the info about the salt levels. I'm temped to give it a go!

I think green spotted puffers require higher end brackish, If you want a easier level to keep you could go with figure 8 puffers as they get relativley smaller and require a lower SG rating :D (check the avatar for what they look like!! (not my fish btw))
Ive got 2 in there with 2 green scats and a red clawed crab. A lot of people will say the tank is too small for the puffers, but I did about a month of endless research about them, and everyone had a different opinion. Of my 4 LFS, I was told they would grow between 1.5inches and 10 inches! The internet is the same, you will find loads of random figures. So I kinda settled on an average and guessed they would grow to 4ish inches. Anyhow, its like asking how big a human is, we all vary! But honestly please dont be put off brackish, its so easy and nice having something a bit different.
Ok, I'm very temped but I will have to do some more research and stuff.
Do you mind if I ask you how much you paid for your G.S puffer, as i'm still at school and only have a saturday job.
Like i say, I am really interested in this fish and I know nobody who keeps them.

Cheers for the help!
Yeah, I paid £6.99 each for them which I think is a bargain! I didn't know anyone who keeps them either. They are sooo cute!
I've also got a 125L tank that has been a community set up for over a year now. I plan on rehoming all the fish and changing the substrate over to gravel.

I'd love to get some puffers and have just started doing my research. How many GS or F8 puffers do you think I should stock?
GSP's are a great fish :)
As has been mentioned previously, if your worried about brackish go for Fig 8's first, as they require low-end brackish water of a salinity around 1.005, whereas GSP's need to go up and up, eventually getting to full marine; which is another problem if your worried about that sorta maintenance.
Ive kept both before and Fig 8's are alot more peaceful, so you'd be able to have some bumblebee gobies with them defo; whereas GSP's can be 50/ one who i had for a year or two was kept with 2 columbian cat sharks, mollies and a breeding trio of knight gobies, but then the whole stock of that tank died as my cousin turnt the power off :( I have another GSP now and he seems content too, so when i get him properly settled in ill be getting another pair of cat sharks.
YOu could also go for South American Leaf Fish, but feeding these guys can be a pain. Alternatively there are snakheads such as Channa may get away with having a group of these in your tank. They are a great preadatory fish and you dont have to fiddle about with salt either :D

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