F fish_r_great Especially African Cichlids Joined Nov 25, 2003 Messages 1,314 Reaction score 0 Location Somewhere in Wisconsin Apr 13, 2004 #1 Hey could someone tell me what the site is that calculates the amount of fish you can keep. You punch in your tank sixe and that type of stuff. THX
Hey could someone tell me what the site is that calculates the amount of fish you can keep. You punch in your tank sixe and that type of stuff. THX
N nicklfire Fishaholic Joined Mar 13, 2004 Messages 506 Reaction score 0 Location Bc,Canada Apr 13, 2004 #2 just go per inch of fish per gallon size so if you got 30 inches of fish per 30 gallon tank right. so 10 Barbs at 3 inches a piece for a 30 gallon
just go per inch of fish per gallon size so if you got 30 inches of fish per 30 gallon tank right. so 10 Barbs at 3 inches a piece for a 30 gallon
D Dwarfs Fish Connoisseur Joined Feb 21, 2004 Messages 5,299 Reaction score 1 Location Long island, New York Apr 13, 2004 #3 Does that mean you can keep a 10" oscar in a ten gallon? No, it depends on the fish
OP OP F fish_r_great Especially African Cichlids Joined Nov 25, 2003 Messages 1,314 Reaction score 0 Location Somewhere in Wisconsin Apr 13, 2004 #4 I know how to stock I was just wondering the site because I'm gonna put it on my website(a link that is)
I know how to stock I was just wondering the site because I'm gonna put it on my website(a link that is)
K konrad05 Fish Addict Joined Apr 13, 2004 Messages 847 Reaction score 0 Location Toronto, ON Apr 13, 2004 #5 Stock as much as your biological filter can handle. That's my rule of thumb.
OP OP F fish_r_great Especially African Cichlids Joined Nov 25, 2003 Messages 1,314 Reaction score 0 Location Somewhere in Wisconsin Apr 16, 2004 #6 No I ALREADY know how to stock but there is a website that has a calculater and I wanted to use it for my site. As I said before
No I ALREADY know how to stock but there is a website that has a calculater and I wanted to use it for my site. As I said before
D Dwarfs Fish Connoisseur Joined Feb 21, 2004 Messages 5,299 Reaction score 1 Location Long island, New York Apr 16, 2004 #7 Does this help? Link It doesn't have calculations but it may help a little
OP OP F fish_r_great Especially African Cichlids Joined Nov 25, 2003 Messages 1,314 Reaction score 0 Location Somewhere in Wisconsin Apr 16, 2004 #8 That didn't really help but atleast it was a link.