Personally... I would go for:
Box 1: pair or trio of Honey Gouramis (they do fine as either!) a pair would free up more space for shoalers.... a trio would make bigger centrepiece...
Box 2: 15-20 (dependant on other stocking levels..) Chili Rasbora
Box 3: 6 corydoras (I like pandas, metae, triliniatus and sterbai so I would choose one of those... pygmy cories have totally different personalities).
Box 4: (numbers dependant on numbers of other fish..) 6-10 celestial pearl danios OR ember tetra.. actually... I think embers would look better in this set up as they shoal nicely back and forwards and are a little more confident than the cpds who would shoal in and out of the plants with the chili rasbora.....
Box 5: I think you would by the end of it... still have the capacity to cope with a small algae eater... but I would say something like a Pitbull Plec (they are harder to get hold of as Brazil have added them to the banned from export list last year... though they are still exported from other countries like Columbia but depends on suppliers...) or a pair or trio of Otocinclus... if you want something interesting... maybe look for a slightly more unusual otocinclus variety?
Like Otocinclus cocama
They are gorgeous and whilst not regularly stocked... they shouldn't be too difficult to source 
Personally, I wouldn't bother with the L number plecs, just not the sort of tank, they generally want lots of caves, bogwood and plants. Not to mention they are generally boringly nocturnal
That said... Snowball Plecs are stunning and only get 10-11cm tops! But they are still a bit...well.... pointless unless you REALLY want one because its nocturnal so you'll hardly see it and it wont touch algae... at least nice otos etc have a use lol.
Personally, I would... by the time you are fully stocked... have a second filter, even if just a small internal filter down the other end of the tank as it will increase the filtration and flow for the fish to play in. If it were me... I would get a decent filter with just a sponge in to go on one side of the tank and just fill the Juwel filter with ceramic biomedia, will be a lovely stable tank then
Box 1: pair or trio of Honey Gouramis (they do fine as either!) a pair would free up more space for shoalers.... a trio would make bigger centrepiece...
Box 2: 15-20 (dependant on other stocking levels..) Chili Rasbora
Box 3: 6 corydoras (I like pandas, metae, triliniatus and sterbai so I would choose one of those... pygmy cories have totally different personalities).
Box 4: (numbers dependant on numbers of other fish..) 6-10 celestial pearl danios OR ember tetra.. actually... I think embers would look better in this set up as they shoal nicely back and forwards and are a little more confident than the cpds who would shoal in and out of the plants with the chili rasbora.....
Box 5: I think you would by the end of it... still have the capacity to cope with a small algae eater... but I would say something like a Pitbull Plec (they are harder to get hold of as Brazil have added them to the banned from export list last year... though they are still exported from other countries like Columbia but depends on suppliers...) or a pair or trio of Otocinclus... if you want something interesting... maybe look for a slightly more unusual otocinclus variety?
Like Otocinclus cocama

Personally, I wouldn't bother with the L number plecs, just not the sort of tank, they generally want lots of caves, bogwood and plants. Not to mention they are generally boringly nocturnal
That said... Snowball Plecs are stunning and only get 10-11cm tops! But they are still a bit...well.... pointless unless you REALLY want one because its nocturnal so you'll hardly see it and it wont touch algae... at least nice otos etc have a use lol.
Personally, I would... by the time you are fully stocked... have a second filter, even if just a small internal filter down the other end of the tank as it will increase the filtration and flow for the fish to play in. If it were me... I would get a decent filter with just a sponge in to go on one side of the tank and just fill the Juwel filter with ceramic biomedia, will be a lovely stable tank then