Stocking Recommendations!


Fish Crazy
Feb 16, 2004
Reaction score
North Queensland, Australia
I have a school of 8 neons in a 55L (approx 12g US) and was wondering if this is overstocked. I know the neons are small but I thought they'd need a bit of swimming room. But, if this isn't overstocked, what smallish (preferably tetra)species can people recommend? I was thinking a coupe of "hockey stick" tetras but I don't know how big they get. Any ideas are appreciated. :D

PS no corydoras sp. as I use aquarium salt and have alot of succes with it so I don't want to change
I'm pretty much a newbie, only had my tank for bout 4 months, but from what I've read on here, I'd say you can probably fit a couple more little guys in - I believe neons grow to about 1-1 1/2 inch, & the rule of thumb is 1 inch per gallon, but if you're vigilant with your maintainance, you'd probably be ok with maybe a small centrepiece fish. If you're interested in something like that, maybe a betta or a german blue ram (not sure what the minimum space requirements for these are though). Another shoal of tetra's is probably going to take up a little too much room, but a small centrepiece fish would be nice, provided their water conditions are the same as neons. Otherwise you could always just add a couple more to your neon shoal, they're so pretty!!

There'll be someone more qualified to answer along soon I'm sure, but hopefully this has helped a little :) BTW - good to see someone else from QLD here!! I'm from the south-east, about 300km south of Brisbane....just thought I'd add that useless info :) Cya, Michelle.
Because your tank is small, I won't recommend to mix two shoal together. If you mix two shoal, you need to keep small shoals and it's not so good for fishes. Better to keep only neons in larger shoal. You can keep about 15-20 neons , so buy more them.

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