stocking question


Fish Fanatic
Apr 26, 2004
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I have a 20 gallon that is empty and ready for fish. I am tinking about a gold gourami, a paradise blue gourami, a albino rainbow shark. The tank has a pleco in it right now but I am going to upgrade his tank soon and want to put 3 cories or otto's in this tank. Does this sound good? Should I put a small school or anything else in the tank with them or will they be just fine.
I dunno about that mix. I think it sounds like there could be trouble. 2 gouramis that close may not get along so well and I think the 'gold' gourami needs a minimum of 55 gallons. Maybe stick with the one dwarf blue and get a small school of danios or something not too nippy.
yeah 2 gourami's in that space might be trouble and the shark will hassle if not kill the otto's or cories

if i was you i'd leave the redtail shark out and get a school of ottos' or cories' haven't had ottos' but cories are fun to watch :thumbs:
Do you think I could keep a single convict cichlid in with a gold gourami and a paradise instead of the shark?

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