Stocking Question Again


New Member
Jul 1, 2010
Reaction score
Mahtomedi, MN
Hello Everyone

Want to first thank everyone that has helped me sex my GBR and my other questions on this forum. As everyone has been very helpful and given great advice.

Now for my new problem. Its great news but now I have much more to think about.

I now have found a great deal that I am picking up on friday. I was planing on getting a 30g tank for my community. Well it so happens I found a even better deal and It seems I will be getting my community a 4ft 50+ gallon tank. I say this as the person labeled the tank as 55g but the demensions he gave me on the phone actualy makes it 70+ gallon with a 55g footprint.

My current community stocking

2x Cherry Barbs
1x German Blue Ram
2x Molly's
1X Cory Catfish

Now. I was planning for the 30g to increase these to what should have looked like.

6x Cherry Barbs
2x GBR
2X Molly's
6x Cory cats
6x Tetra shoal (was uncertain of the type)

With the big tank in the process. I want to get a bigger center piece type fish either a pair or just one. But it needs to be able to work with those fish. Not nessisarily the tetra's because I dont have those even picked out yet and can change that accordingly.

Any suggestions?

I was hoping for another cichlid. I love the personalities that come with cichlids.

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