Stocking Plan


Fish Crazy
Jul 17, 2011
Reaction score
My tank is currently working through stage 3 of a fishless cycle and I am expecting it to take another 2 weeks, so time to finalise my stockig plan.

Tank: Rio 400

Current ideas for stocking is:

20 Black Bar Endlers
15-20 5-Banded Barb
20 Tetra (Rummynose or Cardinals)
20 Corys (Venezuela's, Pandas or Bronze, possibly 2 groups of 10)
3 (1M, 2F) Pearl Gourami
3 (1M, 2F) Cockatoo Cichlid
2 Apple Snails
Cherry Shrimp (unsure of numbers maybe start with 10 see if the fish will tolerate them)
2 (1M, 1F) Bristlenosed Catfish

Tap Water stats:
GH 14
KH 14
PH 7.4
Ammonia 0-0.25
Nitrite 0
Nitrate 40

So, any thoughts comments or recomendations from anyone?
can't see much wrong.....but not sure I'd trust the cockatoos and pearls with any cherry shrimp.
can't see much wrong.....but not sure I'd trust the cockatoos and pearls with any cherry shrimp.

That is the biggest thing that worried me, I can see them just becoming a mobile snack, shame as it would give a nice mix. Is there a shrimp species they would not go for?
Yeah, I was also thinking about the shrimp,

but with everything else I think everything's fine.

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