hiya, please dont leave, there are lots of helpful people on here, Seffie & YF are two lovely peeps & their advice was meant well.
I have the 450, its a lovely little tank & a perfect starting point, how are you getting on with it? Have you had it long?
Mine is only a couple of months old, so still new & I seem to find something new every day.
There seems to be conflicting opinion on the clown pair in the 450, like you I found alot of people said yes & some said no, the more I spend time fish keeping, the more I realise its not an exact science, there is no definitive answer to alot of questions, you just have to get all the information you can & make your best choice.
In mine I have one clown & a little green clown goby, I may add one more small fish in the future, not sure, for now I love how everything works together, they seem a perfect little pair, the clown stays mostly at the top & the goby around the rocks & sand, I have a camel shrimp, 3 little blue legged hermits & 2 turbo snails & one little friendly algea eating crab.
Good luck with the Orca, i'd love to hear how you get on.