Stocking Options


Fish Fanatic
Mar 8, 2005
Reaction score
Nottingham, England
I am setting up a 240 ltr reef tank and would like to know what fish I can stock. I would like a pair of common clowns to start and a regal tang (for the kids:)) I also like green chromis, flame angels, fire fish, royal grammas and anthias. Any advice would be good, then when I've got my stock list I can plan the tank more accurately. I'm sure youv'e answered these questions hundreds of times but all your expertise would be appreciated.


What are the dimensions of the tank Mark? Makes a big difference if Tang's are in your consideration ;)
It will probably be a rio 240 which is 121x41x55. The tang is not 'essential' I don't want to have a special tank to suit one fish! I would really like the clowns though, so suggestions for tank mates and stocking levels would be appreciated.


I would stay away from the Regal IMO, your tank is just to small IMO, unfortunatly anthias are the same

Are you going Reef or FOWLR
hey m8, got same tank, nice size for its price.
Yer i would stay away from tangs completely, they are really nice but need a larger 100gallon tank unlike me who didnt know and put a yellow in a 30gall :blush: but he was ok till i took him back aftre 5 months. anys. regals are prone whitespot magnets so if ur not a decent mainr fis keeper stay away and save your pennys.

Anthias are nice but as i researched they also need a bigger tank :(

Best options for the kids to enjoy but also not put querys on the size of your tank i would do..

royal gramma
Some type of school fish i wouldnt touch damsels they are satan jrs! and constantly fight/ chase each other so prehaps chromosis as you said
cleaner shrimps very funny characters
a few gobys, eg like my pink spotted watchmen they are very colourful but also... very hardy!
hermit crabs (blue/red)
snails of some sort 1-2 hermits/snails per a gallon
dwarf angle ofcourse really good colours and all the comon ones are hardy too!
and prehaps also a reef safe wrasse of some sort eg six line..

thats just a few but they are reef safe and good fish to have, i wish i could stock atm but annoying nitrates are on the climb! grrr!
I have the Rio 240L tank being discussed and I've just recently added a sailfin tang, as advised by LFS it was ok. Do you include a sailfin tang when saying this tank is not big enough for them?

Should i take him back??
I had no choice but get rid of my Sailfin (whom I had had for almost 3 years) when I had to downgrade from a 90G to a 40G :sad:

IMO - Sailfins need more room than some of the other tangs in its family
Have you seen a fully grown one, they are huge!!! mainly thier fins but still huge! and this can cause stree on the fish in a small tank causing ich or other problems... i knows its hard but its better that you took him back :) ive done it and it was hard to go back and see bubbles all on his own in a tank... but wot was most interesting with mine was when i got him he had a big lump on side of him, i took him into care and it slowly went then as soon as he went back to another shop he got it back!

Plus i also bought a vampire tang (close to the orange shoulder tang) from a shop they said it be ok in that size but when you thought about it it was silly, i think the main issue is that most ppl think if they are in a small tank at the shop then can go in a small tank at home... i know i used to think it with some but luckily i didnt get a purple tang ;P
Thanks for the advice, I will avoid damsels and give the tang a miss. Would a single anthias be OK? I know they need a big tank for their pecking order in a shoal, but one on its own?

Cheers, Mark.
Anthias need a shoal to do well, if you buy a single one, it will hide all day and eventually die. Also, in the wild Anthias feed constantly on placktonic life so in the aquarium you will have to be prepared to feed small amounts often.

IMO stick with chromis for your tank for the time being.

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