Stocking Of My 10 Gallon Reef


Mar 1, 2011
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This is what I have in my 10 gallon nano.
1 ocellaris clownfish
1 cherub angelfish
1 falco hawkfish

1 feather duster
1 atlantic porcelain crab
2 peppermint shrimp
1 blue leg hermit
1 scarlet reef hermit
2 astrea snails
3 cerith snails
6 nassa vibex snails
2 margarita snails

1 zoanthid colony
4 zoanthid frags
3 mushrooms
1 money shot chalice
1 Gsp nugget
I was considering the cherub for my 36g, but ultimately shot it down as I'm not confident that it won't eat my corals.

How long has the tank been setup? Some of your fish choices are controversial for such a small tank. That being said, I make some controversial choices too and if you are able to handle the bioload and any possible aggression issues, then it's ok.

It's going to be 5 months soon. The Pygmy angel is not really aggressive. I haven't seen him nip a single coral.
It's going to be 5 months soon. The Pygmy angel is not really aggressive. I haven't seen him nip a single coral.

You may have gotten lucky. It's hit or miss with them. With the amount of corals I have, I'd rather not take that chance. LOLOL

Good choicei :good: I will be adding more corals, in fact, I just added a xenia yesterday.
When do we get to see some pics. I've also been running my 9G for about the same time and would love to see your tank.

In my sig, there is a link to a fragging guide. In the guide, there should be a link to photobucket. There are a couple of tank shots but I will add mre as I just redid the rock work.
Good choicei :good: I will be adding more corals, in fact, I just added a xenia yesterday.

Yes, having an angelfish go nuts & munch on Xenia isn't so bad. Having an angel munch on your $40 a polyp God of War or your super rare Acan Lords is not so good.
When do we get to see some pics. I've also been running my 9G for about the same time and would love to see your tank.


Bear in mind that crazyforcorydoras is past the stocking limit for a tank that size. Especially with regard to fish choice. In this hobby, one thing I've learned... What works for one may not work for the other.
Correct. I do weekly gallon water changes, change the filter at least twice a week, and test ph, alk, copper, and phosphate twice a week. I also have 10 pounds of live rock, which pretty much doubles filtration. So, with all that, an overstocked 10 gallon stays pretty darn stable.
Stability is measured in years not months. We both have a way to go yet.

We are entering a critical phase of early maturation. Many tanks crash at the 5-7 month phase.

For now, everything's fine. I hope it doesn't crash! That would be horrible! I've probably invested 300 dollars in this tank! :crazy:
If I do add a fourth fish, it will be some ind of goby.

If I do add a fourth fish, it will be some kind of goby.

Sorry, double post. :grr:

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