OH well for a 65 gallon get 10 black neon tetras! i love those! Oh! get 4 Sumburst platys! or! get 4 sail fin mollies! or maybe! get 4 dworf blue guarami, golden guarami, powder guarami, or some other kind which you would like. OH! get 2 male and 4 female fidler crabs! those things are the funnyest to watch. My female chases my male around. But she chased him too far one day last week and the mean kitty ate him . But they do stay pretty small. Bout the size of a 50 cent pice at full age.
yeah i want some cherry barbs i think, but i dont know about the crabs, anything with claws just gives me the urge to bug them ) and i dont think they'd like that to much lol
haha...u should get a hermit crab...they are so fun to play with....(at first). just blow warm air into their shell and they start pinching away! lol. or if they like to hang on to what they're pinching, you can pick them up like that....my old one bit my moms nail while cleaning him, and she was holding him in the air, and he's hangin on like it's the end of the world!
i find them pretty amusing (and incredibly EASY to take care of!)