Stocking my Tank


Fish Herder
Jun 24, 2004
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Ontario, Canada Name: Rich
i want to stock my 65 Gallon with fish but i have no clue what ... i want different fish then the regular community fish (ie mollies, guppies etc) i bought 2 angels today but other then that im at a loss :S any opinions are welcome but if someone says pirahna or any other super predator i'll have to slap them :flex: :p
Well since you have angels you will need to have a peacefull community......

maybe some...

cherry barbs (schooling fish)
clown loaches
silver dollars(schooling fish)
danios(schooling fish)
tetras (might be eaten when angles grow up) (Schooling fish)
rainbow fish (schooling fish)
2 bala sharks (Due becuase they grow huge 12+ inches.(schooling fish)
corydoras catfish
ghost shrimp
guppies (schooling fish)
red tail shark

Do not get tiger barbs or fish that like to nip.......

Hope that helped. (schooling fish) = you really should have 5 or more for them to be happy and comfortable.

But 2 balas should be OK. They like company but not too much..... IMO
buy about 10 of the tiniest feeders you can find at a lfs, and just throw then in with the angels, and watch closely.....

i heard they eat the lil buggers :devil:
well the guppy is getting moved to the 10 gallon tank soon but the rainbow shark never leaves the log i got for him .. well other to chase away some invaders but nothing to serious happens ... although i dont know what happens at night
the only feeders at my local pet store are goldies and guppies .. and the angels couldnt get either in their mouth .. their tiny .. plus my id sharks would make a snack of them before the angels would get a chance .. 1 of those bastids made a snack of 10 tetras in 2 night :blink:
Did you not like any of the fish that I Suggested ? -_-

If you dont I am sure I can find more fish for ya...I just need to do more research because those are the only fish that I know that go with angels at the top if my head. :)

I will see what else will go with angels.....
gouramis - good possibility
cherry barbs (schooling fish) - good possibility
clown loaches - no
silver dollars(schooling fish) - any ify maybe
danios(schooling fish) - good possibility
plecos - got 2 already
tetras (might be eaten when angles grow up) (Schooling fish) - not a chance (bad experiences) lol
rainbow fish (schooling fish) - dont know to much about them
2 bala sharks (Due becuase they grow huge 12+ inches.(schooling fish) - to big for my liking
platies - no livebearers
corydoras catfish - possibility
ghost shrimp = food for my id sharks lol
guppies (schooling fish) - same deal as platies
red tail shark - would but that would probably bring about a territory fight with my rainbow shark
This site is great to learn more about Rainbow fish....There GREAT fish. :D :thumbs:

(Click Here)

Have fun. :D

Keep us updated on what on what kind of fish you are going to get!
picked up a couple Gouramis today, the store i went to had 2 blues and 2 opalines in the same tank so i asked for the 2 opalines but the guy scooping the 2 opalines dropped 1 on the floor :angry: , so i got 1 opaline and 1 blue, everyone is getting along fine but man the angels are nosey fish :blink:

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