Stocking my tank!


Fish Gatherer
Mar 31, 2004
Reaction score
Richmond, Virginia
:D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D

My fishless cycle is coming close to the end, just wondering about how to stock my 75 gallon tank!

I know not to overstock, but I do not want to understock.

I dont want my bacteria to die off cause there is not sufficient fish in the tank.

I plan to house barbs, danios, and tetras.

Also cories and red tailed shark.

But my question is the numbers. I want to maximize my fishless cycle and my bio filter, but of course I do not want to overload it.

Is there anyway to tell how strong boi filter is, or is it just a guessing game.

:D :D :D :D :D :D My fishless cycle was complete on April 30th! Thank goodness!

Did a 40 percent water change to bring nitrates down. Ammonia and Nitrites are at 0

Double check water tests this afternoon! Everything perfect. Drop temp last night to 79, tank around 80 round now. Added 10 tiger barbs and 5 zebra danios!

Is this enough to keep my colony going or should I add more fish?

Let me know what I should do.

Also if this is enought when can I add more?
That should be plenty of fish to keep a healthy bacterial colony. I generally wait2-3 weeks in between additions to the tank, specially if you are adding them by the truckload :lol: . Really though if you want to add groups of fish then wait at least the above time and if along the way you run into spike problems (cause you might as the tank is cycled but it is not stable yet) then wait till the spike has completed and then wait the 2-3 weeks. Tough on you i know but remember its for the fish. :)
:D :D Thanks for advice. Iknow I went a little crazy in the LFS today, but its cool! Anything I should look out for?

Also, what else can I put in this tank with tigers? :flex: :flex:

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