Stocking My New Tank

okay then how about 8 neon rainbows and 4 cory's I am sure this will be sufficient for my tank.

My tank is 60x45x50

60 long 45 width and 50 deep.


... Just a slight difference in volume, n'est-ce pas? ;)

Right, so you have a squat tank with very similar dimensions to my Aqua One 620T (which is 140l). These sort of tanks need a far lower stocking than their volume suggests, because they have a relatively small surface area for their volume, 3000cm[sup]2 [/sup]versus 3600cm[sup]2[/sup] for my 120x30x38cm.

So going back to your list, besides the original fish I had concerns about, I now add Dwarf Neon Rainbowfish (need more room) and your choice of Corydoras will be limited too (many get too big for a 60cm tank and others might struggle with breathing air at the water surface in a 50cm tank). The tank is too squat for Dwarf Chain Loaches and most "hillstream loach" too, btw.

How about 8 False Penguin Tetra or X-Ray Tetra with a pair of placid cichlids (Laetacra, Keyholes, Cockatoo Apistogramma etc.), or alternatively just 12-15 Corydoras hastatus (that will use the whole tank depth)?

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