Stocking My New 4ft-er


Fish Fanatic
Oct 3, 2008
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'Ello :)

My new 120 litre tank is ready-cycled & waiting for some inhabitants! :hyper: Am considering the following -

10x galaxy rabsora/celestial pearl danio
10x endlers
4x corydoras pymaeus
4x corydoras habrossus
4x otocinclus

Can anyone confirm or otherwise that these fish are (a) compatible, & (b) balanced in number? Basically, any thoughts y'all have would be great. :good:


BW. xx :fish:

p.s this tank is planted.
cute l'il guys! :D thanks.. was planning on getting the others from trimar, but will check these guys out.. if i can save paying for two lots of postage for a combo of all these, that'd be ideal. :) I'll come back & let ye know what I end up with.


Took me a while to get the cash together, but went for :

10x Endlers
10x Celestials
10x Ember Tetras
4x Otocinclus
4x Pymy Cory
4x Habrosus Cory

The otos went in first, then the ember tetras about 3 weeks later.. Everything else came in one big order from Trimar at the beginning of April. :D They all seem to have settled in fine, swimming about & eating, & without exception showed beautiful colour within a few days of being in the tank :D Will try for some pics at some point, but they're so tiny I'm not sure how they'll come out!! Anyhow, I think that 2 of the Endler females are pregnant already, & my two playful cats are highly impressed by the whole thing & now rarely leave their aquarium-watching spots in the lounge!

All in all, a great success so far! Thanks for the advice :D
Glad its worked out. I'd pop another 10 ember tetras in there personally, but thats just because I think they're great little fish. A few more cory's and CPD's wouldn't be a bad move either, you've certainly got the space for them.

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