I'm semi-new to fish keeping, but I'm looking to make some changes to my tank and want to make sure everything will work out beforehand. I have a 55g tank at 80 degrees stocked with 3 4" Tinfoil barbs, 10 tiger barbs, 8 zebra danios, 2 German blue rams, 2 dwarf gouramis, 2 green Cory, 1 sterbai Cory and a pleco. All of the fish are relatively young.
Fish I am looking to remove:
Dwarf gouramis x2
Zebra danios x8
Fish I am looking to add:
Cherry barbs x6
Pearl gouramis x3
German blue ram x1
Not positive if cherry barbs are top dwelles, but if not, looking for something else to replace my current top dwelling danios. Reason for the pearl gouramis is they are more peaceful, and prettier in my opinion. The rams are doing well with the other fish, but I need at least one more to make them comfortable. I'm aware that the tinfoils will outgrow my tank within the next 6 months. Thanks in advance for any advice you can give!
Fish I am looking to remove:
Dwarf gouramis x2
Zebra danios x8
Fish I am looking to add:
Cherry barbs x6
Pearl gouramis x3
German blue ram x1
Not positive if cherry barbs are top dwelles, but if not, looking for something else to replace my current top dwelling danios. Reason for the pearl gouramis is they are more peaceful, and prettier in my opinion. The rams are doing well with the other fish, but I need at least one more to make them comfortable. I'm aware that the tinfoils will outgrow my tank within the next 6 months. Thanks in advance for any advice you can give!