Stocking My 270gal

Nope, the glass cutter hasn't had any spare time as of yet, and the acrylic needs to be ordered in...However I am setting up a 3ft grow out tank for 5 herichthys bocourti, but atm I haven't got any mature media (none which I know won't spread lymphocytis), So I'm look for someone who can post me some.
cool sounds good, ive got loads of media if your after some, drop us a pm. :good:
Trust me, ocellaris are amazing as adults, I suggest you try more pics, but its what your into I guess...

Posting the media wont work, the useful bacteria, which are what make it mature or not will die in the post. They need to be transposted from one tank to the other ASAP, and be in water (from the tank, not straight from the tap) for as much as possible. If you can travel up to me then I can give you some from my 65g.

Good luck
Surely if it put in a small sealed box with a tad of ammonia it will live through for same day delivery?
Thanks for the offer but cheshire's quite a way.
Surely if it put in a small sealed box with a tad of ammonia it will live through for same day delivery?
Thanks for the offer but cheshire's quite a way.

Exiting Stuff Mr.cheesy, Cant wait for you to set it up :good: . Still got your snakes?
That tank is going to be awesome with dats!

One of those IT looks familiar. ;) ^_^

Yours t'was the best pic I could find :p
Yeah still got all the reps...
5 Bocourti are on their way and the grow out tanks setup.So i'll need to get some mature filter media or do a cycle with fish.
Posting the media wont work, the useful bacteria, which are what make it mature or not will die in the post. They need to be transposted from one tank to the other ASAP, and be in water (from the tank, not straight from the tap) for as much as possible. If you can travel up to me then I can give you some from my 65g.
Actually this is wrong. Provided there is some oxygen (through air) in the bag and the media is kept wet, even without a food source (ammonia) the bacteria will at worst survive 10-15% mortality per day. This is supported by the actions of members such as Tolak who have successfully sent cycled media through the post across America.
Bocourti have came!At first they looked more like baby golden sevs since they were a plain yellow colour, but after an hour they started to colour up a bit...I'll get some pics later.
Nope, they don't look like much at the moment.Nevertheless i'll get some sometime lol.
I can't wait to see this tank stocked. It will be very impressive.

On a completely unrelated note: What kind of cichlid is that in your sig (obviously, not the oscar, the other one)? I've been meaning to ask you, but keep forgetting. :rolleyes:

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