No sorry zebras cant be added to anything less than 4ft due to their activity level.
Ok so lets go off the rest of your list.
2 - ADF (African Dwarf Frog) - As long as they can get food these are totally fine, they may be out-competed
2 - Mystery Snail - these are fine they do produce a large bio load but that just means you need to keep up on water changes
5 - Harlequin Rasbora - I would choose between these or cardinal tetras and get a centerpiece fish, but if you choose these id do like 12
5 - Cardinal Tetra - I would up their school to 10 without the harlequins
2 - Ghost Shrimp - I would get about 6-8
I would advise getting some more live plants and mosses for the shrimp they seem to appreciate them, ex.) marimo moss ball, anubias, java fern, and java moss are all easy ones.
Ok some centerpiece fish, all that comes to mind atm is peacock gudgeons, o shucks you can only get petsmart huh.... Well i would still stick to one type of schooling fish and get more of the one school.