Stocking Level For 125L


Fish Crazy
Apr 8, 2011
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I currently have Juwel Rio 125l tank and was wondering what the number of fish I could have in?

My current stocking is

2 x Albino Neon Tetra (Rescued from Friend)
1 x Rummy Nose Tetra (Rescued from Father in Law)
5 x Red Phantom Tetra
4 x Gold Flamed Tetra
2 x Clown Loach (Rescued from Friend - I know these will grow big for tank)
5 x Leopard Danio's
3 x Zebra Danio's
2 x Golden Danio's
2 x Albino Cory
1 x Pepper cory
1 x panda cory (others have died)
1 x Bristlenose plec

I was looking at adding a shoal of neon tetra's. Would this be ok?
You'd be better to up the numbers of what you had if you have space. Like the rummynoses. They'll feel a lot more comfortable in a bigger group.

IMO, i'd say that's a lot of fish for a tank of that size tho.
I roughly work it out to be just over 70" of fish when they are all fully grown. So as far as adding new fish, I would leave it for a little while until you have lost some. In a new tank (under 6 months) you shouldn't go over about 1" of fish per a gallon, but as the tank starts to mature you can go to 1.5" per a gallon and if you have a really mature tank, and know how you can get the max out of your filter you can go up to 2" per a gallon. I personally would try not to exceed that, seeming as you have a 125liter tank (33 US gallons) you can support roughly 66" of fish.

However saying this, the inch of fish per a gallon is only a guideline and doesn't always hold true.
I'd sell the Clown Loaches as your tank is too small for them and then replace them with more Neon Tetra's and Cory's as they are shoaling fish and need to be in a bigger group. Especially important for the single Panda & Pepper Cories. Overall though you do have a lot of fish for that size of tank.

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