New Member
Hello, I am wanting to start a 20 gallon standard walstad tank with the goal of only very rarely doing water changes. I would have to only use bottled water because too high of nitrate levels in my well water. I think it was 40-60ppm with very hard water. (We don’t drink it either). I don’t know what would be ok for stocking. I am thinking one honey gourami, 6 Pygmy corydoras, 6 ember tetras, 6 gold tetras, 6 chili Rasboras or green eyed rasboras, an amano shrimp, possibly a few cherry shrimp, and some kind of snails. I don’t know if that’s way to much of a bio load. I’ve had a heated, filtered, planted 5.5 gallon tank using Crystal Geyser bottled water running for about 5 months with good parameters, but my betta recently died after I transported him to treat stubborn fin rot (I think it was to much for him after trying many treatments.) So, I am still fairly new to the hobby. Thanks!