Stocking Ideas?


Fish Fanatic
Jan 24, 2014
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So today I got an awesome deal on a 36 gallon bow front and I upgraded from a 20 gallon high.

I would have liked to have set everything up and let it cycle but the new tank had to take the spot of the old one. So I used most of the 20 gallons in the new tank, all of the gravel, decor, and the filter, which is an aqua clear 50.

After all was finished, none of the fish seemed overly stressed, so that's good. But after things settle down, and fully stabilize, I would like to add to my tank. I played around with aquadvisor which I know isn't exactly gospel truth, but a good starting point, and it says I am 65 percent stocked.

My current stock is:
5x black kuhli loaches
5x von rio tetras
1 female platy
1 female swordtail
1 golden wonder killi

So...what would you add to this if you could?
I would double the flame tetras would look great in a bigger shoal, add another kuhli or two not sure how the killi will get on with the tetras as i have no experance with killifish but if they are ok you could probably add another two. im sure somebody will be able to tell you.  i personaly would rehome the platy and swordtail
Depends how your tank looks like.. Based on your stock, you seem to go for bright coloured fishes with the exception of your Loaches, for colour contrast maybe?

I do not know much about the Flame tetras but are they a schooling fish?

I was thinking of a schooling fish.. but then again I wish you can be more specific on what interest you.. :)

Great to know all the fishes are doing well!
Tank dimensions rather than volume is a far better indicator of what fish are suitable, I have a ~62x39x55cm ~130l and a ~120x30x37 140l, the 130l is very limited in what can live in it for life because it is so short.
Golden Wonder Killifish will try and eat anything they think is swallowable, sometimes trying to choke themselves, I've had to help out my old ones from time to time! They might try both these tetras and loaches for size (I briefly kept my GWK with Pangio doriae and they were worryingly curious so were moved promptly).
How deep do Von Rio Tetras get and how quickly? 
If the tetras and loaches are safe, I would look at 10 of both, the latter of which are far more likely to be seen if kept in numbers and in a tank with many hiding spots across the tank.
You may find the livebearers too active if this tank is <120cm long, plus as singletons, they might be a bit fiesty with the rest of the community.
The only thing the golden wonder has ever eaten was a pair of male guppies. I was horrified and thought of rehoming him then, but.he has never bothered another fish since.

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