Stocking Ideas!

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Apr 28, 2011
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hey guys,

i have a 90l tank- here are my stocking ideas....

-Neon tetra
-Chochus blue tetra
-dwarf neon rainbowfish
-Cherry barb
-Odessa barb
-Kuhli loaches
-corys (hevnt decided which species)
-Borneo sucker
--and i might add some glass catfish later down the track ;)
Any problems with stocking? (tank will be moderately-heavily planted)

Suggestions welcome!THanks
are u trying to have 1 of each? or groups of all of those? most of those fish need schools of 6+. in my 90L i have 10 harlequin rasboras and they look great. Ill probably add 2 bolivian rams or something.
are u trying to have 1 of each? or groups of all of those? most of those fish need schools of 6+. in my 90L i have 10 harlequin rasboras and they look great. Ill probably add 2 bolivian rams or something.

Hey crazyairbourne thanks for the reply!,

I was planning to go with 10 neons, 6-10 chochus tetras, 4-5 rainbows, 4 corys, 4 loaches, 2 Borneo suckers and 4-5 of each of the barb species. If I'm going to add glass catfish I would start off with 5 then dependIng on progress add more. Do u think this will be to overcrowded?
* neon tetra - ok, keep 6+
* blue tetra - ok, keep 6+
* dwarf neon rainbowfish - I would want a bigger tank, keep 6+
* cherry barb - ok, keep 6+
* odessa barb - I'd want bigger tank, keep 6+
* kuhli loaches - ok, keep 6+
* corys - ok, keep 6+
* hillstream loach (borneo sucker) - most species are coolwater (18-20C is best) and need fast flow

Any problems with stocking? (tank will be moderately-heavily planted)
Yes, you can't have all of it. All bar one of those species are schooling and do best in very large groups. If this was my own, 3ft tank, I would stock like this:
* 15-25 schooling fish of one species
* 6-10 khuli loaches or Corys of one species
* pair of Apistogramma (for example A. cacatuoides or A. agasizii) or 1m 3f honey gouramis

I was planning to go with 10 neons, 6-10 chochus tetras, 4-5 rainbows, 4 corys, 4 loaches, 2 Borneo suckers and 4-5 of each of the barb species. If I'm going to add glass catfish I would start off with 5 then dependIng on progress add more. Do u think this will be to overcrowded?
Yes, this is overstocked. Also most of those will benefit from being in larger groups.
Hey there, we basically posted at the same time, so I will rephrase stocking ideas...

Borneo sucker- not suited for temperature wise
Get either corys or kuhli loach? One or the other or both?
One species of barb, since Odessa barbs need a bigger tank
Still rainbow fish? What about glass catfish? Would a 120L be more suitable?
Sorry for all the questions?
Sorry for a
Borneo sucker- not suited for temperature wise
That's right.

Get either corys or kuhli loach? One or the other or both?
One or the other, *not* both unless you get a much larger tank (4ft, 220-260 litre).

One species of barb, since Odessa barbs need a bigger tank
Still rainbow fish? What about glass catfish? Would a 120L be more suitable?
I recommend that you keep only *one* species of schooling fish. Schooling fish behave better and look better in large groups. I recommend that you pick neon tetras OR blue tetras OR cherry barbs.

Odessa barbs and all rainbowfish should have at least a 4ft tank.

Glass fish are nice, but do better in a school of 20-30 in a 4ft tank.

Sorry for all the questions?
I prefer that you ask the questions, rather than stock inappropriate fish.
Thanks for the help kitty Kat!

Illl take your advise and cut down on some of the species,
Barbs only cherry, loaches OR corys...etc

Lol sorry just one more question...
So the kuhlis will be a good clean up crew?
So the kuhlis will be a good clean up crew?
Depends on what you expect from a "clean up crew": they will shift the substrate, especially if you have sand, but fish don't eat crap, they still need to be fed proper food (which is the case for all fish).
Lol I know they won't eat crap, I meant as in eat un eaten foods that the top feeders have not eaten. I'm guessing the kuhlis do that.
Lol I know they won't eat crap, I meant as in eat un eaten foods that the top feeders have not eaten. I'm guessing the kuhlis do that.
Yes, khulis are great at that :) If you go for khulis, you should aim for closer to 10.. they can be shy if not kept in groups (and sometimes even if they are).
Thanks for all the help!
I will get around 8 kuhlis but only once the tank has been set up for a few weeks (I read that they do better in tanks that arnt completely new )
Thanks again!
That is true. Also make sure you get some sinking food for them too, or they can starve! They will need some decor to hide under.

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