Stocking Ideas?

yey :good: puffs are eating!!got some brine shrimp as they had no bloodworm and they have gone mad for them!ive seen the male eat 7 so far! now im worried that they will eat too much :lol: there bellys are very fat!i only put what i thought was a small amount in but theres still quiet alot swimming around,will puffs eat too much?should i try to get rest out now there bellys are round or can i leave them in?how long will they live in tank if puffs dont eat them? sorry for all the questions but i want to make sure im doing things right :good: ive looked on web but theres no info on puffs eating to much and making themselves ill,at this rate im worried there going to pop! :lol:
Puffs can indeed overeat to the point of regurgitating! It's always best to feed sparingly and add a little more if need be.

Brine shrimp have virtually no nutritional value to them (a bit like feeding a kid sweets all the time) so unless they are enriched or gut loaded then it's best to always feed with other foods as a main staple diet and occasionally feed the brine shrimps. They are called brine shrimps because they live in brine - salt water so they won't last long in fresh water. If there are that many in there it will be best to try and net some out :D
Puffs can indeed overeat to the point of regurgitating! It's always best to feed sparingly and add a little more if need be.

Brine shrimp have virtually no nutritional value to them (a bit like feeding a kid sweets all the time) so unless they are enriched or gut loaded then it's best to always feed with other foods as a main staple diet and occasionally feed the brine shrimps. They are called brine shrimps because they live in brine - salt water so they won't last long in fresh water. If there are that many in there it will be best to try and net some out :D
well i went to have a look 20 mins later and they had eaten them all! little pigs,i could only get brine shrimp they didnt have anything else but it says there vitamin enriched so hopefully they are getting something out of it,i have ordered live blood worm and daphnia hopefully they will come soon ive also treated with wormer plus and all seems well,i will keep you updated,thanks

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