Stocking ideas for a 85 gallon Community tank


Fish Fanatic
Aug 31, 2020
Reaction score
Panama City, Florida
Hello, This might be the WORST idea i've ever had, but would it be possible to get two male bettas to peacefully live in a planted 85 gallon aquarium, along with other fish? My idea would be, I would continue on stocking as normal, just include the two bettas to count as 10-15 gallons of the tank each? Is this a horrible idea or not.

Also, COMPLETE or partial stocking ideas (would love plants included) are greatly appreciated, looking to include some shrimp, neon tetras, and maybe some livebearers.
I wouldnt advise it, they may have enough space but in the bigger tank you will need bigger filtration which often means more filtration and with their big fins they are not strong swimmers so will suffer. You would be better with 2 5-10 gallon tanks for each of them :)

Agree, even one betta in a community tank is taking a real risk. If you can provide some info, we can certainly suggest fish species to consider.

An 85g OK, what are the length and width dimensions?
What are your source water parameters (GH and pH particularly, KH if you know it).
Re the plants, what lighting do you have (thinking intensity and spectrum)?
What is the substrate material--some fish need sand for example.
Do you have any fish now, if yes, which species and how many. We need to work with these if you have them.
Idk the width and stuff, but it is a 85g long. The substrate I plan on using is sand. I currently have black gravel and fake decor (yikes) and parameters are 10.7 GH.

Currently I have 3 OLD fish, two Glofish tetras (weird, they were my first fish) and a (i think) guppy or muppy (doesn't look like any molly or guppy iv'e seen, or a platy. Ill post her(?) later) they are all about 10 years old. I also have a little bit of Hornwort in my current (25g) tank.
When you are home, please measure the length and width. I found 4-foot and 5-foot 85g tanks with a quick search, and this will help in deciding fish. Some are active swimmers, some form territories, and the dimensions are crucial for both.

Good aboutthe sand, that opens up some nice options. And the GH at 10 dH (assume this is in degrees, not ppm) is workable. We can assume a fresh slate with fish.

What is the light data? This will help us suggest plants that will thrive and not melt.
Light data -
the spectrum, given as a 4 figure number followed by K. This may be on the light itself, the packaging or any manual with the light. Or the colour rendering index, CRI.
the wattage of the light.
PAR which may or may not be given on the packaging/manual
Look up the website of the manufacturer of the unit and post the link and we can have a look.
Im struggling getting the lights on the tank, so I will just order clip on the back lights for the tank. Any suggestions for a 85g? Also would 40 guppies/any livebearers do well in the tank? How many can I have without killing them or doing ANY harm to them? My lfs offered to take as many (up to 100/week) if they start breeding too much.
Also would 40 guppies/any livebearers do well in the tank? How many can I have without killing them or doing ANY harm to them?

Before thinking of fish, or us suggesting species, we need to know the GH and pH. If you are on municipal water, their website might have this.

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