Stocking Ideas For A 58.6 Us Gallon Tank?

How would dwarf gouramis do in this setup apart From pearl gouramis? I've seen some stunning blue ones online, whereas pearl gouramis seem quite dull.

I'm after variation. So what about this?:

- 1x BN Pleco
- 1x Dwarf Gourami
- 1x Keyhole Cichlid
- 5x Khuli Loaches
- x6 Cardinal Tetras

Do I have room to add any other schooling fish? I'd prefer to have groups of 10 in a school, and more than two schools.
every choice, you now have an empty tank to play with.
So first thing first you need to decide a few things
community OR species
small fish OR large fish
heavy filtration OR light filtration

If you want species only, get malawi, if you want community, you really should (IMO) stick to smaller shoals of peaceful species like tetra's platies and guppy, if you do want larger fish this will GREATLY reduce the amount of fish you can keep because obviously bigger fish = bigger poops!
Your filtration of gallons per hour plays a big part, if your filter is epic and cycles the water 12x an hour, you can afford to over stock it a little, if its only 3x an hour, you really want to "understock" it a little so you dont crash the filter.

If you have to have large fish i would stick with chichlids, they are a nice medium sizze colourful fish, but i wouldnt recommend putting anything else in apart from a bottom cleaner.

So ask yourself, small or big, community or species, average or good filtration?
Post here what you'd like and people will be able to give you more help,
make sure you include WATER PARAMETERS! of your tap water, and also if you can set the tank up and leave it 3 days with all the decorations in, test that as you may well see a drop in pH and hardness.

hope this helps you in any way
I haven't even got the fish tank yet! I've got to collect it this weekend due to snow.

I also don't even have water test kit yet, as I have other things to buy.

The filtration got is the Tetratec Ex1200, which I believe to be just under 6x Turn over.

I'd like just a few big fish (Maybe or two, excluding the BN PLeco. Maybe just a dwarf gourami aNd keyhle cichlidl, then big schools of smaller fish.) I apologise for capsm on my phone.

I'm after no biotope, or species tank :)

Just a commmunity :)
How would dwarf gouramis do in this setup apart From pearl gouramis? I've seen some stunning blue ones online, whereas pearl gouramis seem quite dull.

I'm after variation. So what about this?:

- 1x BN Pleco
- 1x Dwarf Gourami
- 1x Keyhole Cichlid
- 5x Khuli Loaches
- x6 Cardinal Tetras

Do I have room to add any other schooling fish? I'd prefer to have groups of 10 in a school, and more than two schools.

Sorry, a 58 Gallon tank isn't big enough for much more than you have outlined above.

Roughly 58 inches of fish would be fine, and you could push it a bit over that. But, it seems you are fairly new to fishkeeping? As such, I'd not go too high above this rule, because of the inexperience. As you gain experience, you can push the limits a bit more.

1BN - 5 inches of messy fish.
1 DG - 3 inches
1 keyhole - 5 inches
5 Khuli loaches - 5 inches each (but fairly small bioload for a fish that size) = 25 inches
6 cardinals - 2.5-3 inches each = 15-18 inches

So, right there you have 53 inches of fish...

I would start with this, and think about adding a shoal of bloodfins or phantom tetras after a while. How do you plan to cycle this new tank? I suggest fishless.
I supyoure always learning, but I wouldn't consider myself inexperienced. However this is my biggest set-up by far.

I understand cycling :p etc. I'm just not too get with stocking as I don't know that many different fish to be honest :p

I will probably get rid of the dwarf gouramcihlid if it means I can add more smaller fish. Iving for large schools of beautiful small fish and one bigger fish :)
Fair enough.

Dropping the DG, would enable you to add a second shoal of 6 tetra, like bloodfin, phantom, or lemon tetra. Be sure to steer clear of serpae, silver dollars and skirts for a variety of reasons, including size and temperament. You'd still be pushing the stocking of the tank, but with increased water change, it should be fine.

Be sure to add plenty of cover, as even the Keyhole would appreciate it. They are a bit shy, even for such big fish, so having plenty of cover for them will make them more likely to be seen.
I would happily remove the common DG if it means I can add variety :). Would you say I'd be done then with:

- 1x BN Pleco
- 1x Keyhole Cihlid ( I truly love these, how are they in pairs?)
- 5x khuli Loaches (Do they need a minimum of 6?)
- 6x Cardinal Tetra
- 6x Bloodfin Tetra

I'm still open to alternatives :) I was hoping on having schools of fish at a mimum of 10! :p But I gueSs you can't have everything :p
the inch rule should only be used for slim bodied fish under 3 inches. ex. 5 in BN pleco produces more waste then a 5, 1 inch cardinal tetras.
Keyhole cichlids could be kept in pairs, but then in mating season they would terrorize the other fish, unless you get 2 females (not 1 male, 1 female, or 2 males).
You could do:
1 BN PLeco
2 Keyholes, (females)
5 Kuhli loaches
6 cardinals or bloodfin tetras

or you could do the stocking you listed above

since you have kuhli loaches try and have sand, since they like to burrow
D34DLY said:
I would happily remove the common DG if it means I can add variety
. Would you say I'd be done then with:

- 1x BN Pleco
- 1x Keyhole Cihlid ( I truly love these, how are they in pairs?)
- 5x khuli Loaches (Do they need a minimum of 6?)
- 6x Cardinal Tetra
- 6x Bloodfin Tetra

I'm still open to alternatives
I was hoping on having schools of fish at a mimum of 10!
But I gueSs you can't have everything
You can consider bumping those numbers up slightly to about 8...  But, unless you are heavily planted or going to be doing massive water changes frequently, you don't really want to over do it.  Remember, its always easier to add fish than to take fish away.  ;)

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