Stocking Ideas For 54 Gallon - With Honey Gouramis

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I know that feeling as we go to two lovely LFS and I feel bad "cheating" on either of them. They are both good about ordering things for us though.
Have you asked him if he can order the peacock gudgeons (or any other fish you may want) for you?
Haha! That is one way to save on space, you could divide it for 3 if you wanted, just make sure the dividers are secure..and even better if you can cover them with plants so they can't see each other.
We're all addicted here I think. :)
I have: 
  • 11 neon tetras
  • 10 harlequin rasboras
  • 10 rummynose tetras (impulse buy today)
  • 6 peppered cories
  • 3 red flame honey gourami
Thinking of increasing the shoal of cories to 10. I need one more thing. A pair of something. I cannot find peacock gudgeons to save my life. I found them at two places online, but shipping is 3x the cost of the fish. I need ideas!!
A pair of apistogrammas?
I can't find apistos anywhere either!! I wanted apisto borelli, but same deal I can only find them online. I called every LFS within 50 miles of me. 
Kribensis, now I have never even looked at them, and I know nothing about them. They're beautiful. I'll do some research - thanks for the suggestions!! The fish stores might get tired of me calling :) :)
I think the plan sounds great! However the gouramis may get territorial, so just be aware of that. Really neat fish are roseline sharks, they're beautiful fish. I'd get six of them instead of a different group of fish you chose, if you like them. For the pair maybe angels? However rams are beautiful fish too so that's also a good choice. Good luck!
I have read that the gouramis can get territorial/aggressive when mating. I have a spare 15G tank that's just growing plants and shrimp right now, so anyone who causes trouble in the big tank can move into there if it comes to that. I have a ton of plants and caves, so hopefully it's enough to keep them happy. They are really fun little guys/gals. 
Thought I'd share a video. Everyone is getting along nicely. The gouramis and the catfish are constantly swimming together. It's really weird to see 4 or 5 cories just schooling after the gouramis at the surface of the tank. I got 1 male and 2 female gouramis, but I was wondering if I should get a couple more females. My daughter named them Cinderella, Fairy Godmother, and Prince Charming...she's 3.
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Such a beautiful tank! I bet the fish love swimming throughout all those plants :) Thank you for sharing the vid!
Honeys are the most peaceful from what I've heard so I don't think you should have issues. Good that you have the 15g on hand though, just in case! Cute names :p

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