Stocking ideas for 40 gallon


New Member
Jun 13, 2020
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So cal
Hi. I have a 40 gallon aquarium I was wondering if hat stocking idea would work. I would be doing 50% water changes every week. And canister filtration with lots of live plants. Think I could get away with this? Is there anything wrong with the idea like the angelfish might eat another fish? Or something doesn’t work out.
  • 1 angelfish
  • 8 black neon tetras
  • 8 kuhli loaches
  • 2 hillstream loach
  • 3 upside down catfish
What are the dimensions of the aquarium (LxWxH)? Do you know the ph and gh?

I would be worried about the Angel eating the neons. I haven't kept them myself, but other members have had this happen. Angelfish are also very tall, getting 6inches tall and 6 to 8 inches long. They can be aggressive (they are cichlids after all) and are naturally a schooling fish.
I think hillstream loaches also like a lot of flow, and maybe colder water depending on the specific species.
I have no experience with upside-down catfish.
I have already gotten rid of 6 zebras and two of the Angelfish and I still have two Angelfish that must be a mated pair because they get along so well. Now, what i have in my 40 breeder tank is: 2 Angelfish, 6 Cardinal Tetras, 5 Cooley Loach and 2 Cory Cats. I would like to add some fancy guppies and some more Cory Cats, what do you think?
Seems like you got a good tank as is, the corys should be fine since they are a bottom fish, Guppies couldn't hurt and besides if you have more females than males the females will eventually provide plenty of food for the Angles.
Hi. I have a 40 gallon aquarium I was wondering if hat stocking idea would work. I would be doing 50% water changes every week. And canister filtration with lots of live plants. Think I could get away with this? Is there anything wrong with the idea like the angelfish might eat another fish? Or something doesn’t work out.
  • 1 angelfish
  • 8 black neon tetras
  • 8 kuhli loaches
  • 2 hillstream loach
  • 3 upside down catfish
Your stocking idea seems fine, as far as the angle fish. It depends on the size of the angel. a small angel wouldn't be bothering the tetras, but as it grows tetras could become a nice snack. FYI see if you can get a species name for the upside down catfish. I bought 3, years ago they were cute little fellows then they grew, one eventually got to be a 6 inches long...mine were syndontis cats.
Aside from anything else, the listed fish are not compatible because they have vastly different water flow and temperature needs.
Rasbora harlequins
Cardinal Tetras
Maybe some type of gourami.
Glass catfish are pretty cool as well.

Obviously not all of those at once.
I would try to keep them all from the same general region. If you want an angelfish as a centerpiece, then the tetras are goood, along with some corydoras (bottom dweller) and say, a BN pleco.

I keep mesonauta mirificus (festivum) with a school of black neons. I find them to be a bit more opportunistic than angels, and after a year, have yet to show any interest in the tetras. That being said, the tetras are from 1.5-2'' each, and the mesonauta were raised with the school. I would not try to introduce any 3/4'' newly imported cardinals into their tank.

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