Stocking Help


New Member
Feb 28, 2013
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Hi all, I have a 350l (92.4 US gals) tank and I was wondering if I could get some advice re stocking.
Right now I have:
15 X Pseudotropheus Saulosi - 4 males, 11 females (1 holding)
4 x Pseudotropheus Socolofi - 1 male, 3 females
3 x Copadichromis Borleyi - 1 male, 2 females
4 x Melanochromis Maingano - 1 male, 3 females
I was wondering what other species are compatible for what I already have? And also if the Borleyi are okay in there at all (was advised that they would be by a LFS, but keep reading information about not mixing haps with mbuna?)
I'd really love to add a breeding quad of aulonocara but again would they be okay with the species I have? 
Thanks :D
well do not add nothing i think it is already overstocked if you want to find out if your aquarium is overstocked count the total cm of your fish in the tank if the size of all fish is larger than the size of 1/4 of your aquarium cm size then it is over stocked
Golithkm said:
well do not add nothing i think it is already overstocked if you want to find out if your aquarium is overstocked count the total cm of your fish in the tank if the size of all fish is larger than the size of 1/4 of your aquarium cm size then it is over stocked
That's a very simplistic approach, and in any case, with Rift Valley cichlids, you need a heavier stocking than with standard tropical fish, in order to dissipate aggression.
Ill go with the theroy of 1/4 of your aquarium size as my theory. ill use inches instead of cm though.
my 160gal upcoming cichlid tank is 84" long so divide that by 4 = 21 inches of fish.
average cichlid is say 4-5 inches for 21 inches that would allow me 5-6 fish only .....i think not
IMO thats a terrible way to figure if tank is overstocked for community or cichlids.
so unless i misunderstood how you measure the tank this idea for stocking limits is off.
btw i think your stocking is ok

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