Stocking for my 225l planted cube

Dec 10, 2003
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Newcastle, England
Hey all,

I finally got my cube set up the other day (with a mature filter) see here. It's 225l/50UK/60US gallons with an 1000lph external filter.

I just tested the levels as follows:

Ph: 7.2
Amonia: 0
NitrIte: 0
NitrAte: 5

At the moment there's 2 young koi angels and 4 otos in it. I have been looking at what other fish I want for it. I love cardinals in a planted tank so I am going to have some of them. I am going to get 4 to go with the strangely happy single one I have in my 320l (and move him).

I do not want to overcrowd the tank, I am looking for something serene. I have been thinking about bottom feeders. I would like to get 4 shrimp and maybe horsefaced loaches or I was maybe thinking a L066 (king tiger) plec or L168 (pulcher butterfly) plec.

So, what do you guys think? I have never had shrimp before, on the stock list it just says 'algae shrimp - cardadinia' but I don't know which one it is.

The stocking will end up being:

2 koi angels
5 cardinal tetra
4 otos
4 algae shrimp
2 horsefaced loaches/L066/L168

Do you see any problems with my ideas, or can you make further suggestions?

Thanks for any help and for reading my mini essay!

:fish: ~Dana~ :fish:
I see no problems, but you know what goes well in planted tanks with Cardinals ;) .
ryan said:
I see no problems, but you know what goes well in planted tanks with Cardinals ;) .

You have confused me...not a major achievment, granted but still. :lol:

What's your opinions on the horsefaced loach/plec front? You are the man in the know about these things after all!
I see no problem with having all of them. :flex: I keep a group of Horsefaced Loaches with some Clown Plecs and a sand substrate and they are doing great. You could even make it four Horsefaced Loaches and the Plecs.

I have an L066 and did own a L168, both of which are great fish but they do love to hide in the bogwood. But with a cube you are likely to see them alot more. So I would say the plan is good, and have a think about Discus!
All of them!!!! Ooooooh!!! :D

Nice you said that, I was just considering whether I could get a plec and the loaches if it was a smaller plec (like any that I buy would be big anyways!). I love plecs :wub:

I think I am going to keep it to one plec because I have only got one piece of wood as you can see from the link I posted before and I don't want to crowd. I'd ideally like a L260 but there's none on Tri-mar's stock list.

I am scared of discus! They have a reputation for being difficult and I thought they had to be in species tanks? I don't even know anywhere that I could get them if I were inclined, trimar don't do them now and places round me are worse than useless!
Oh, also I am open to other suggestions you might have on the plec/loach front ryan.

Just been looking at red whiptails, they are nice and small and also peaceful. Do you know these?
Don't be scared of Discus, they are easy to an experienced fish keeper, they just need attention and care, you should change 25% of the water twice a week if possible but in a lightly stocked tank it should be fine to do 25% a week. Check out this thread, alot of the members have put some very useful info on here.

L260 are quite common and TriMar do get them in quite often, I know they get Plecs in every Tuesday or Wednesday so why not call up Monty and ask him what he can do for you, he can often get most of the fish on your wish list. :)
Cheers ryan,

I recognise that thread actually. Someone said you need pristine water that's nitrates don' get about 15? My nitrates are never that high, even when my 320l was massivley overstocked. Maybe I have good tapwater for it?

Hmmmmmmm, I have always liked discus and admired pictures of them but I really wouldn't know where to get them and this has to be my last tank.

I think I am going to try for:

2 Koi angels
5 Cardinal Tetra
4 Otos (can be moved back to 160l original home if needs be)
4 Algae Shrimp
2/3 Horse Faced Loaches
1 L260/L066 plec
Ok sounds good and if you do ever find any Discus you have a little room left ;) . Best of luck, you could maybe try a shoal of those little Chain Loaches? :D

I love chain loaches but I remember you saying that they should be the only loach/bottom feeder and horse faced loaches make me laugh! Have to go for comedy fish!!

What other small plecs are there? Or even sucking catfish. I know of clown, L134, L46 and bristlenose. I don't think I want a L066 after all, they can look quite 'washed out' and I have a L052 already so maybe I shouldn't get a L168.

Decisions...decisions! :lol:
Chain Loaches are fine with Horsefaced Loaches as they spend 99% of their time buried out of sight in the sand and not moving and we all know thats pretty much the same for the Plecs!

Try some of these guys, L047, L200, L199, L183, L306 or maybe L204. :)
wow the L183 is gorgeous!!

I love the L200 as well, but I avoid plecs that get above 5" for some reason. The plecs I have are more the 4" mark. lol

Unfortunatly what I can get is limited to what Tri-mar have and I am not sure about asking Montyu to get fish in because I have had no word on the hillstream loach front yet and that was ages ago. I am going to try ad speak to him about it today.

Hmmm I like the flash plec, very nice! I think the L204 will be my backup for L260. If I can't get those I may well get 3 chain loaches.
I own the L183, (check my gallery out under Oddball tank for a pic) very nice fish and meets your size requirements. Monty normally does a great job, I'd speak to him today and see whats what. Good Luck. :)

I just spoke to Monty and as you know he's getting a shipment tonight but he is not sure what he is getting.

He thinks he may get some L183 so I am going to phone back tomorrow to see if he did (I hope he does!!!). I also spoke to him about the hillstream loaches and he appologised and just said that he's been really busy but that he knows there is at least 2 types in at the moment. So I may just get him to send me 2 of each off descriptions.

I think if Monty gets L183s in I will ask for a female if possible because the tentacles freak me out a little. :lol: If they don't have females I will get a male and grow to love him, I used to get freaked out by angels!!

Not sure what to go for if there's no L183, will just have to see what they do have.

Thanks for your help ryan, lovely pictures by the way. :)
Glad he might have one for, I hope he does. They are a lovely little fish, I got mine at about 1" and s/he is now about 3" and stunning. :thumbs:

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