Stocking For A 60 Gallon

As mentioned, sand is the best way to go for Cory's, and I would highly recommend Sterbai's! Lovely little things they are. 
TallTree01 said:
Well the Gloria's are modified danios so they'll school together, but the pearl danios are separate species. They will live together peacefully but they probably won't school together. You could do
4 glofish
4 zebra danios
7 pearl danios
10-15 bettas
7 rosy barbs
And the Plecos

Personally I would get some bottom action as the Plecos don't add much action. Maybe a shoal of corydoras. My preference would be 7 peppered cories But it's up to you!
If it were me I'd get rid of two types of the glofish, zebras, pearls or rosy barbs and up the numbers on the other two. That way there will be a bigger shoal. Also agree with TallTree re Corys.

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