Stocking For A 29gallon Fowlr


Fish Crazy
Feb 27, 2007
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so im just starting to look at saltwater fish for a 29 gallon tank. i was going to go nano but as this would be my first salty tank i will wait a little bit. so it is a fowlr maybe someday a nano but is was wondering if i list some fish if i could get a yes or no on them plus how may that sort of thing. so here goes. IM trying to stick with fish that could go in a nano so that i dont have to redo everything.

Kaudern's Cardinal
(Pterapogon kauderni)

Firefish, Purple
(Nemateleotris decora)

Spotted Mandarin
(Synchiropus picturatus)

Green Mandarin
(Synchiropus splendidus)

Neon Gold Goby - Tank-Bred
(Elacatinus sp.)

Neon Blue Goby - Tank-Bred
(Elacatinus oceanops)

Coral Beauty Angelfish
(Centropyge bispinosus)

Ocellaris Clownfish - Tank-Bred
(Amphiprion ocellaris)

well let me know what you think. or any suggestions?
First off, a 'nano' is a tank under thirty gallons (which your tank is). A 'reef' is a tank with corals. So I think you mean you might want a reef tank one day, because your tank is already a nano. :)

For the fish...

Everything sounds good except for the mandarin fish. They eat mainly copepods, and there usually isn't enough in a nano. The fish will starve unless you can find one that will eat prepared foods.

Also, I don't think you should have all of those fish. I'd say about 5. You can have more if you don't plan on keeping corals, but if you do want them it would be easier to only have a few fish.
First off, a 'nano' is a tank under thirty gallons (which your tank is). A 'reef' is a tank with corals. So I think you mean you might want a reef tank one day, because your tank is already a nano. :)

thats right silly me :rolleyes:

mandarin would be the last fish id get but only five their all pretty small. and yes that what i meant.
It doesn't matter if the mandarin is the last fish, it will clear out the pods in a 29g in weeks. A refugium woould help, but these fish really need a bigger tank with more live rock for them to get enough food. Unless the fish eats prepared foods.
yeah, they are crazy eaters, size does not matter, it will be too hard and you would have to be CRAZY dedicated to it, like keep buying it live pods, get huge refugium, get all sorts of things to raise pod cultures, it may overload the system, and with other fish in there, doesnt seem like a good risk. Whats even worse is that you want 2...

And i would stick to maybe 2 swimming fish and 2 bottom dwellers
not trying to a brat but really only 4-5 tiny fish in a 29 gallon tank? it just seems like a waste of a tank for not much excitement. i was planning on over filtering it if that makes a difference.

i really want the fire fish and the angel so what else would go with them?
that so called "wasted space" is the solution to polution, its dilution. That is not wasted space, that is crash saving space.
You could have a pair of clowns and a goby or a cardinalfish.

If you want excitement, try to get a fish that swimms around a lot. Angels are pretty active, so are clownfish. Cardinals just sort of drift around, and gobies... well it depends on the fish's personality.

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