Stocking for a 200l.

The December FOTM Contest Poll is open! Fish of the Month
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30 mg/l calcium = 4.2 dH and 75 ppm.

Just a tiny bit lower than mine (which is 34 mg/l calcium)

Thanks alot for your time!

Excellent. You have the ideal GH (this is soft water) and pH for the fish you now have. But this is not ideal for the Pseudomugil furcatus (Forktail Rainbowfish) you asked about previously, which as it mentions in the link needs harder water with a basic pH. Stay with soft water species.

Thanks for clearing it up! What could you suggest about top swimmers species that are fit for a peaceful community tank?

Thanks again!
I mentioned hatchetfish which you say your wife doesn't like, unfortunately as they are ideal.

I also mentioned pencilfish, and one species, Nannostomus eques, is suited. This fish swims at a 45 degree angle, close to the surface, among floating plants (mandatory). Very peaceful. A group of 8-12.

There is another pencilfish that prefers the upper third of the tank, but I suggest it with reservation. Nannostomus beckfordi can get territorial, very much so; not good ever with hatchetfish or any surface fish as it will nip them to death. I've also had it go after otos when they came too close to its space. This one swims horizontally like most fish, but prefers to remain near the surface among floating plants. A group of 8-10 or so.

Another characin that swims at an oblique angle is the Penguin Tetra, or Hockeystick Tetra. There are actually three species often confused. The nicest looking one is Thayeria boehlkei, sometimes called the False Penguin Tetra. It has the darkest stripe of the three and is probably the most often seen "Penguin" tetra. Peaceful provided it is kept in a group of 8-9 (or more).


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