Stocking For 286Gal Tank?

Hmmmm... Many tetra will go with them, cardinals can be used as a dither or calming fish for discus once they are put in. Cardinals tend to get used to the tank faster than most fish do. Some cory cats will go. I suggest some laser cories. Then as for your top dweller you could get some hatchetfish. Marbled ones.
So i talked with that lady. She wnats to go with Zante's idea. But ueah instead of the angels some discus and blue rams. She liked the BGK but not the other fish.x_x so that will be the stocking. What zante posted above.
Also, thank you everyone for the ideas. Ill probably ask for help in other tanks later!!!
I hope you're not going to add the BGK to the list, it will munch on the small fish! It's not clear from your post, so I wanted to make sure.

Another thing... Think whether you want just one strain of discus or a mix of colours. I prefer all discus of one strain, but it's a personal preference, both options have their merits. It's a good idea to know what you want from the beginning though.
Voh no the BGK wont be in there with the other fish!!! Sorry if i made it seem that way. And we will go with one stain but got to see which one she likes more.
May I reccommend leopard snakeskins?
I do like those. But ill see if i can find those here.

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