Stocking Fluval Edge?

I was going to suggest a group of endlers, small but very pretty and interesting to watch displaying to each other.

My local p@h has started to stock shrimp - they don't always have a clue what they are tho, some inventive names for plain old amanos!

how many endlers would you suggest, or would a mix of rasboras and endlers be more suitable? obviously i would have to go for all male endlers as i couldnt host fry!

Males are nicer to look at anyway! I would put 6 or 7 endlers in. I've only ever kept harlequin rasboras but I've always been a believer in keeping shoaling fish in larger groups, it looks nicer and as there's safety in numbers you see more natural behaviour. Endlers on the other hand, while appreciating each other's company, don't need to be in a shoaling group so would be just as happy in a group of 3 as they would be 6. Also I think rasboras, like danios, appreciate more swimming room.

Personal opinion, but I think 6 or 7 endlers with a nice dark substrate and some bushy plants (real or fake) would look lovely in the Edge. They are very colourful, come in different types, and have a bit more personality than rasboras.

ive just bought a great looking fine black gravel so thats a start! looking at plants at the moment! But my head is fried tryin to decide on what fish to get! :(
No rush. Might be worth taking the drive to the better fish stores and having a look just to see what appeals visually. I saw some tiny green rasboras last week, think they called them jewel or neon rasboras, really lovely and I'd never heard of them before - might find a surprise.
No rush. Might be worth taking the drive to the better fish stores and having a look just to see what appeals visually. I saw some tiny green rasboras last week, think they called them jewel or neon rasboras, really lovely and I'd never heard of them before - might find a surprise.

yea i know what you mean! i was going to go a drive today but didnt want to get hit by rush hour traffic! but im definitely going to get a run to a few reputable shops and hopefully i can make my mind up then! :)
I'd look at 8 galaxy rasboras personally. Beautiful little fish.

Oddball alternative: a couple of dwarf puffers.
+1 for 6-7 male Endlers, make sure you know how to sex them so you don't get given any females. (Hint: males have gonopodium, females have anal fin.)
yea i used to have guppies and platies so im clued up on the sex! lol well once this tank arrives and its cycled my plan is to drive to the petshop and decide on either rasboras or endlers then! or maybe a mix! :S
Bearing in mind rasboras shoal, mixing them may mean a smaller number of each. 6 or 7 of either is a more ideal set up than say 3 or of each - just my opinion. I still say endlers ;) would like to hear what you decide.
Bearing in mind rasboras shoal, mixing them may mean a smaller number of each. 6 or 7 of either is a more ideal set up than say 3 or of each - just my opinion. I still say endlers ;) would like to hear what you decide.

i will keep you all updated with how things are coming along, and i will get pics up asap! :)
Yes, rasboras should be in a group of 6+, which won't leave much space for Englers, I suggest one or the other, at least to start with.

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