Stocking Challange

I got apisto's yeah there are some others that are nice, not into africans really, but spot on last choice with the sp44 I have had those before, ruddy stunning fish and amazing colouration, darn tempting, nasty blighters though, I was told they would go with my frontosa, WRONG lol (miss them, could do with mini or dwarf fronts lol)
Archer fish! I think they are really cool. I would like to get a tank with a shoal of them as a main focus... Not really a new world cichlid, but you did say something different :)
Right what do you think to.......

Guianacara geayi or Biotodoma cupido or maybe both :)
Both nice :) Guianacaras are never Geayi - usually Spenazona or an other one that begins with S. Cupids are awesome one of my favs but never kept. I think they would work but I had a Guianacara once and it was pretty aggressive - but it might be better in a group. They do best in groups but try and do equal males and females. Guianacaras are very very slow growing though...

Both nice :) Guianacaras are never Geayi - usually Spenazona or an other one that begins with S. Cupids are awesome one of my favs but never kept. I think they would work but I had a Guianacara once and it was pretty aggressive - but it might be better in a group. They do best in groups but try and do equal males and females. Guianacaras are very very slow growing though...


I found guianacara Geayi on you tube and started looking at others, found Owroewefi oooh so nice. Now the little research I have done so far came up with cupids being aggressive too, and stating best as singles, do you recon I could get away with a group of 4-6 in a 200l tank???

The tank is set up with the two spot bagrid cats in there, shot of the tank it has lots of rock caves and wood hiding spots, I think I could get away with a group of cupids.


If they did fight I can always seperate them off into other tanks.
I have to admit I have never kept Cupids - really want to. But from what I have read they are no worse than regular Geos in groups. I read its hard to find females - and most end up being male from farm bred source - possibly to do with how they are bred and raised? So that could be the issue?

But yes for me I would give it a go...

Wills :)
I would go for a colony of yellow labs and demasoni with blue background, white ocean rock and coral sand, would look good

Labs have a better personality than dwarf cichlids imo, and very entertaining to watch the squabbles in the colony.....they beg the same as other cichlids and will feed from your hand.
That would be great if I got a group and they were all males, I tend not to have problems with groups of same sexed fish, males in particular, females can get techy with each other. Right, cupids it is then :) if they fight and be a pain its your fault Wills lol lol lol (I am joking flower, I have the room to seperate them if need be)

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