Stocking Advice


Apr 25, 2008
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Hi All,

I have recently rescaped my main tank which is a Juwel 260l and am after a little advice on the current / future stocking.

The tank is 260 litres and powered by 2 external filters (removed the internal) Aquael 500 unimax (1700l per Hour) and Fluval 305 (1000l per hour).

The tank is heavily planted with lots of rock and wood for cover etc.

I perform 1 - 2 x weekly 25 / 30% water change. Stats are Amonia - 0, Nitrite - 0, Nitrate - trace.

Current stocking is as follows

2 x juve Keyholes (about 2 in long)
7 x denisoni Barb (Red line torpedo barb) currenlty all around 3 1/2 in
2 x adult bristlenose, (also currently fry in tank though these will be removed if / when they get bigger)
2 x Botia Strata
1 x False Algae eater
4 x Panda Cory
2 x Skunk Corey
1 x Bronze Corey

What I would like to know is if it would be possible to house any / all of the following currenlty in my 190l Corner tank?

1 x Green Severum (6 1/2 in)
1 x Nicaraguan Cichlid (4 in)
2 x Laetecara Flavilabris (Wild caught 5 in)

I am currenly thinking that none of the above will be really suitable for my other tank but would apreciate any views from other people who may have experienced these fish cohabiting.

I am concered about over stocking and as the 190l tank is to be decommissioned I really need to re home the current occupants.

If I cannot keep any in the tank listed above I will be happy to rehome / return to Wharf Aquatics.

If none of the above would be suitable would a pair of Laetacara Curviceps and a small school of Marble hatchet fish work?

Thankyou for reading and apreciate any comments you might have


You could depending on the personality of the severum, have that in with the keyholes (+ others), I would be concerend by the Nic though, due to their aggression level, mine was hell on wheels, she bullied pretty much every fish in the tank and I dont think the keyholes would withstand it, but again depends on its particular aggression level.

I cant see a problem with the laetacara with the keyholes and actually if they holding their own with the Nic, then I will assume it isnt a dominant one.

It would be a little crowded of course, but the 260L would be better for the severum anyway as its larger and has a larger swimming area than the 190L.

You can, as with all NW cichlids, try it and see what happens, be prepared to remove any fish that may cause problems.
Thanks Minxfishy,

The Flavilabris actually chase and harras the Nic at the moment, doubt that would continue once the Nic reaches a substantial size though.

The Severum is quite a subdued fish and does not harrasany fish on a regular basis.

Think I may try just the laetaca in there for now and see what happens, I am a lttle concerned that they may harras the keyholes though until the KH's have grown on some as they are quite agressive feeders

Will my plants get munched by the Sev BTW?

I have Swords in the background, lots of various Anubias on bogwood, a Lotus lilly (Cant remember exact name) and some zealandia in the foreground forming a carpet effect.
You will definately lose the swords, the anubias will be picked at but not eaten, just torn up for fun :rolleyes: not sure on the others, but to a severum, plants are either for eating or ripping to shreds.
Thought so :)

He has ripped the amazon sword to bits in the 190 tank.

Guess I will need to rehome him or keep the 190l up and running.


Decided to rehome the Sev, Nic and Flavs, going back to wharf aquatics for some store credit :)

Will miss the big guys but I really need to lose the 190l tank.

Would a pair of curviceps fit in nicely with the above stocking?

Also would a shoal a hatchet fish be ok in there. It is a juwel vision which has a lid on so they wouldn't jump out.


Fianlly decided on the complete stocking list, let me know your thoughts. Will post some picks soon

The tank is 260 litres and powered by 2 external filters (removed the internal) Aquael 500 unimax (1700l per Hour) and Fluval 305 (1000l per hour).

The tank is heavily planted with lots of rock and wood for cover etc.

I perform 1 - 2 x weekly 25 / 30% water change. Stats are Amonia - 0, Nitrite - 0, Nitrate - trace.

Stocking is as follows

2 x juve Keyholes (about 2 in long)
7 x denisoni Barb (Red line torpedo barb) currenlty all around 3 1/2 in
2 x adult bristlenose, (also currently fry in tank though these will be removed if / when they get bigger)
2 x Botia Strata
1 x False Algae eater
4 x Panda Cory
2 x Skunk Corey
1 x Bronze Corey

I intend to add the following;

2 x laetacara curviceps
1 x festivum (if I can find a good quality one)



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