Stocking Advice Needed

Again, thanks for the prompt reply. I have one kit I cannot remember the name of, but the other one is API for nitrate. I tested my tap water and aquarium water-both same very light blue colour after 5 minutes. I even left it for longer, did not make any difference. I have the original Juwell internal filter with different colour sponges. Some of them should be getting rid of nitrate, but they can't be that efficient. I replaced them in August.
I only have artificial plants and two airstones that are on for a couple of hours/day.
I replaced them in August
The sponges are what hold the bacteria colonies which handle the first 2 stages of the nitrogen cycle, replacing them all in one go is not good, you will be left with a very small colony of bacteria on surfaces and my opinion never change the sponges unless they are falling to bits and then only half of them at a time...have you tested ammonia and nitrite levels recently? You may be seeing low nitrates because you are not getting them produced by an effective nitrogen cycle??
On to the water changes, I would personally do the 40% change per week as Wills has mentioned, in fact if you can get 2 done in a week even better! You can never do too many water changes, they'll help with the growth of juvenile fish and also speed up any healing the fish might need from fighting
Just make sure that the replacement water is treated to remove chlorine etc...

Apologies if I am saying stuff you already know, it's just worth a mention in case ;)
Thanks kaivalagi for your reply. I did not change all of the sponges at the same time. I've had the tank for a few years now and have not experienced multiple fish deaths at the same time. I added cichlids recently and I am trying to be extra cautious as they are not as hardy as my other fish. I feed my fish every other day. I alternate frozen food with mini pelets and give the bottom feeder's food on each occasion.
Good stuff, I just wasn't sure how much you were aware of...good to know you got it in hand

Make sure those Sevs do get a good feed, they have a healthy appetite

On the water changes, I have a fairly well stocked tank, with greedy growing Sevs and do one and sometimes two (if I can find the time) 40% water changes a week, I don't bother testing for Nitrates

I use a syphon system to do the water changes, putting declorinator straight into the tank (filters off), well worth buying/diy'ing something like this for the bigger tank
Hi there, I do have a syphon/gravel cleaner. I find it very useful. How big are your sevs now? Which ones do you have? Would be curious to know.
I got 6 just under 2" Rotkeil Severums from Star4, they're now atleast 3", and 3 are closer to 4", growing very fast, they would grow even faster if I did more water changes I'm sure

They don't look too disimilar to yours right now, Rotkeil colours will come later on I think
Cool. Wills said my are going to get huge... I am working on my wife to approve the tank upgrade But at the moment she says: :no:
Keep at it...took ages to convince my mrs for a 5ft tank, in the end I keep badgering her for the "fishies sake" and she gave in, I even managed to keep the old tank too for breeding :) Took a good six months and some fish scraps witnessed by her due to limited space (that's what I told her anyway) to convince her...
hmmmm, that's an idea. Will be persistant. My son who shares the chores with me would also like a bigger tank but is worried about bigger responsibility. I tried to reassured him that I will help him.
No luck with convincing my wife that we need a bigger tank so far... My sevs are growing and I guess in about a year they will not be able to move in my tank :-( I will keep trying.
Shame, now is the time to look for a tank, loads of bargains this side of Christmas, I found a rio 240 for £80 BIN on fleabay this morning :hyper: Got no where to put it so someone will get a bargain.

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