Stocking a 30l tank


Fish Crazy
Aug 29, 2004
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I was thinking about getting a little 30l tank (about 6.5 imp gals) and was wondering what relatively hardy fish I could keep in it. Would like something to keep algae down and something to do the swimming and looking pretty thing. Doesn't have to be the brightest and best, just the most suitable for a beginner with a small tank. Grateful for any help. :)
mollies seem pretty vulnerable

someone at a pet store recommended "gold barbs" to me. They're hardy fish that can cycle your tank for you. These little suckers are supposed to be invincible from what i've read hehe (that doesn't mean it's okay to provide sub par conditions though)

i'd be interested to hear what other ppl with more experience might suggest though
That's a 8.25g (US) tank.

How about:

- 5 smaller tetras
- 3 cories (your favorite kind)
- 2 otos

I think this will probably fully stock your tank, all of the above are relatively bioload-light species.

I normally don't recomend livebearers in a small tank as they are relatively bioload heavy compare to their size...
Oh one more thing, you should really do fishless cycling, since all of the above mentioned species are sensitive to bad water, especially ammonia and nitrite present water...

In fact, regardless of the species of fishes, you should do fishless cycling.

Do you know anyone who owns an established tank? (to help out cycling your tank faster)
I do know someone with an established tank so thats a start. I'll have to read up on fishless cycling (a fish without a bicycle? ;) ) since I don't want to hurt the little guys. Though otos could be useful as for the others I'll have a look around. Cheers folks. Any other advice gladly accepted.
Slyspy said:
I do know someone with an established tank so thats a start. I'll have to read up on fishless cycling (a fish without a bicycle? ;) ) since I don't want to hurt the little guys. Though otos could be useful as for the others I'll have a look around. Cheers folks. Any other advice gladly accepted.
:p Actually fishless cycling would be a bicycle without a fish
Personally I think that 8.5 gal is too small of a tank from a school of barbs, and like the sounds of yhbae suggestion better :)
fraservet said:
Slyspy said:
I do know someone with an established tank so thats a start. I'll have to read up on fishless cycling (a fish without a bicycle? ;) ) since I don't want to hurt the little guys. Though otos could be useful as for the others I'll have a look around. Cheers folks. Any other advice gladly accepted.
:p Actually fishless cycling would be a bicycle without a fish
Then you'll be pleased to know that I always go cycling without a fish! :D Enough already...... "shakes head at the terrible wordplay"
Personally, I'd go with a betta, a school of four corys and a couple of otos. That's a tankful of personality, any way you cut it. But you'd need to be diligent about tank maintenance.

Just my opinion, of course. ;)

gold barbs are too big.

My friend has a tank that size with a betta and some panda cories. I hope to set one up son with pigmy cories. ottos are a good choice for algae eating though, and so are shrimp.

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