Stocking A 29 Gallon

As you already have a few established tanks running then transferring a bit of media from each of them into that uncycled 29 G will also help speed everything up for you
thank you for all of the help. My only problem is I already had the zebras, and they seem very happy in the 29 gallon, as I had kept them in the 10 gallon for quite some time. I'm slowly working on convincing my sister to let me take the goldfish back. Also my LFS worker said that my pleco (what ever kind it is) will not grow very large. so when I put him in the 29 gallon, I guess we will see, if he gets too large I will definitely bring him to corbets. last night I moved all 4 zebras into the 29 gallon as well as the 3 neons . they seem to be doing great this morning. As for now, I am keeping the platties and mollies in the 10 gallon, this way I can easily access any babies they have to bring to corbets, ( I don't need any more babies). And as for the bettas, i'm unsure what to do at the moment, all I know is that I am not buying any more bettas until I actually have room for them. Today's the big day, I am picking up 1 zebra, to make the school complete. 2 neons; to make the school complete. 5 pink tetras or other community fish of some sort. and 2 gourami (hopefully blue) , I am also getting ghost shrimp and plants and starting the planted tank. Hopefully this situation will not last for very long, as I plan on upgrading to a very large tank in about a year when I move out. this way all of this fish will be happy, so this is just temporary. also I wanted to show off my uncle's tank. its looking great.
Its sounds like you didn't really listen to a word anyone said :/ just now. The zebras may seem happy but how can you tell? You cant speak fish, they actually really prefer 4ft tanks due to their level of activity so i suggest rehoming them as well. The tank still isn't cycled and most likely your neons will die if you move them. Can you describe the pleco please? is it a clown pleco? The platties and mollies really shouldn't be kept in a ten gallon either, and the bettas shouldn't be in 1 gallons, and the goldfish shouldn't even be put in a 5 gallon temporarily. The two gouramis wouldn't be a good idea because the blue ones can be aggressive towards each other in a smaller sized tank, i suggest getting dwarf gouramis instead. I doubt you will even listen to this though seems like your mind it pretty set on doing whatever. :(

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