Stocking A 20 Long


Nov 26, 2006
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What would be the best fish to stock a 20 gallon long with.
I want it to be a community tank and i definatly want some Angel fish in there
can someone please tell me what are the best fish and which fish go together
I also want it to be like a 20 gallon tank and
i was thinking like 5 cory cats? is that too many
well id only get 3 corys because i have 2 right now :good:
Angelfish wouldn't do well in a 20L, because it's only 12" tall.

Cories would be happy in there though.
Everyone has their own idea of the "best fish." So be prepared for a lot of differing suggestions.

I would start out by measuring your tap water's pH and GH. That will determine what type of fish will easily live in your water.

We have the same dimension tank, 20 long, with 3 platies, 5 harlequin rasboras, and three panda cories. The platies are pooping and breeding machines, so know this if you plan to get platies. The rasboras school together, which is always nice to watch. The panda cories are very nice to watch - kind of stupid, though, as you can drop a wafer on their heads and they won't realize it's food. But stupid in a cute way. If we had more room, I would like to get at least 2 more panda cories to bring the number up to 5 as they love to swim together, so I would agree with you that if you are going to get cories (small, under 2"), then I would get no less than 4 or 5. But this already takes up much of the available space.

I'd suggest researching and find some species that work with your water and occupy the middle to top levels of the tank, so as to compliment the bottom feeders.
I second the no angelfish thing sorry. More panda cories, a single dwarf or some other small species of gourami and a school of small top dwellers would fill that tank out nicely. Maybe a school of otto's too.
Yeh..well i wont be doing the panda cories. Because, right now in my ten, i have just 2 green cory's and if i add 2-3 more, would that be wayyy to many7 :good:
I'm afraid that's a bit too much for a 20g, they grow to be 4 inches long. But why is that a reason not to have panda cories in your 20g? They only grow to 1-1/2 inches.
As far are's anglefish go they prefer Taller aquariums... If you're interested in keeping angles 2-3 should be no problem for a 29gallon tank... However remember never overstock on angles as they are cichlids and they are predatory! don't mix in neon tetras as they make them dissappear quite quickly :p but for a 20L I'd say stick with 5 corys and a small school (6-8) neon tetras... Now I know people here may say 6-8 neons and 5 corys!? that's over stocking this tank! Well think about this... if one goldfish needs 15-20gallons of water for the correct oxygen levels and a school of 12 neon tetras needs about the same but grows only 1"-1.5" then why bother thinking the tanks overstocked!? Anyways lol... Good luck with your tank oh and make sure you have proper filtration, a WORKING heater and an air pump for your little lovelys :D
i went and got only 5 fish

Now i have
5 guppies 1m/2f
4 phantom tetras
1 betta
2 corys

i think i should be able to add more fish into the tank right
i was thinking like 6 more neons
and i clean my tank alot and i have a nice fitler

its a
Bio wheel Penguin 100
and i have a 100 watt heater
and my tank is currently 82 degrees farienheit is
that tooo much
Lower that temperature or expect to see some massive algea growth, as far as the school of 6 neons GO FOR IT :D neons make a great addition to any community tank, and they don't require so much oxygen... as a suggestion get an air pump for a 30 gallon tank, I find whisper air pumps are nice and quite (just bought the 100gallon one for my 55G tank :p) anyways, your filtration is good, the heater is a perfect wattage, but still lower that temperature down beware right now though as guppies are born to breed! you'll soon have mass amounts of little babies in their, but not to worry! your tetras and your betta will eat the babbies, cruel as it may sound... It's a natural occuarnce no worries lolz... good luck with the set up and make sure you have a nice thick area of plants (live or fake) for your tetras (phantoms and neons if you get em) they aren't usually that shy, but they do enjoy a nice place to just relax away from other fish :) Hvae fun!
hehe thats why i got the betta, great fry eater...hehe im soo mean. But, yeh i found a little fry in my tank and now hes in a baby saver :shifty:
Bettas are fine with any fish, just not other MALE bettas and other MALE gouramis or labrynth fish... Other than those bettas are perfectly fine in a community tank, I had mine at one point in time with around 20 guppies in a 10gallon tank... Yeah I know... but I was young... and new to the hobby :lol: I learnt my lesson from that tank pretty quickly, damn mass producing guppies killed my betta from over feeding him ;) jokes :lol:
Don't know that I would go so far as to say all betta's are fine with all other fish...I mean really. An obvious and slightly ridiculous example would be an arowana.

Aside from fish that might be aggressive towards the betta you should consider that all fish have there own personalities. I've heard stories of betta's that were not happy in 30 gallon tanks but brightened right up once placed in tiny little 1 gallon things. The same goes the other way some betta's like lots of space and a bit of current some do not. This can be applied to aggression as well. Some betta's may be fine with guppies while others will get one look at those big flashy fins and go fin nip crazy. You should be careful if you place your betta with anything and be prepared for the worst.

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