Stocking 75 Gallon


Fish Herder
Jan 12, 2014
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So this is what I'm changing my stock too....

2 Senegalus bichir
2 delhezi bichir
3 nandus nandus, maybe 4
1 mystery snail

Just wandering what else I could add, just maybe to liven it up a little.
O and a full grown BGK sorry about that haha
A fully gown, ~50cm SL BGK has no place in a 75g, these fish need something far more in line with a 300x100x100cm tank (given they have pretty inflexible bodies to turn corners, something wider and deeper would be better).
That size tank is fine for African Brown Knife Fish, which do well to reach ~20cm SL in the hobby (mine is ~14cm after owning it ~18 months, bought at ~12cm SL).
Yea I thought that, was going to save up for a 110 gallon+ for my bday and move him in there with it, he is fully grown though. Im kind of ashamed to admit he's been in there since he was small hes 12-14" :/ would you suggest rehousing him? My bday is July 22 was gonna trade out my 55 and 75 for a larger tank.

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