stocking 55 gal


Fish Crazy
Mar 26, 2004
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I have a 55 gal tank and I was wondering if this sounds good.

I want a shark and from what I can tell form info found on the net a red tailed shark (not sure if that is the proper name - the black ones with red fins) would be the best one for my tank. I'm pretty sure you can only have one of them right?

Maybe a few angels,

I would really like a betta too but I'm not sure if you can put them in with angels and a shark.

Please someone help me I hope to have everything ready for this weekend or next depending on the cycle of the tank.
Well, you don't have to put all the fish in at once.

You are right, you can have only one shark. Angels would be good but they should not go with a male betta, although I am not sure about females.

I think what you have said would be good though, depending on what other fish you are going to want in the future.
I forgot to mention I have 3 platties and a algea eater (not sure what kind i kind of inherited him) will it still be ok?
I don't have an algea eater anymore he pased away last night. :dunno:
I'm sorry you lost the algae eater :/

The platys should be just fine with the fish you have planned though. Another big ditto to not keeping a male betta with angelfish.

What else are you thinking about for the tank?
I don't know what else to get! Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated
In a 55g with angels, here's what I'd love to do :) (I'm still not sure on the compatibility of angels and the red tailed shark though)

5 angels
10 cory cats (maybe not if you have the shark)
2 blue rams
10 Emperor Tetras (taller than neons so less likely to be an angel snack)
...and maybe a couple DWARF gouramis

I would not chance keeping angels and the red tailed shark. I'd choose one or the other.
Why can't I have a red tailed shark with Angels? If I can't have that what other shark suggestions can I consider??

I was at the LFS today and saw some beautiful blue dwarf gormies and ones that were kinda red I can't remember the name of them. I was also wondering If guppies were OK to go in the tank as well????????

Just in case you were wondering The tank dimensions are 4ft * 15inches* 24 inches APPROX

PLease I'm dying to take a trip to the store and start my fish family!!!!!!!! :wub: :wub: :clap: :clap: :D
Can't remember what the red dwarf gourami is called but they are beautiful. Will have one in my 30 gallon before it is over with. As far as I know guppies would be ok. Not sure on the compatability with the angels though. And your gouramis would gobble up any fry that they have. May need to wait until somebody with more angel experience comes to see if the guppies would work. Other than the gouramis eating the fry those 2 will work together. I have had guppies and gouramis together before and they seemed to be just fine.


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