Stocking 30g!

I set up the same thing recently. I got so sick of tropical community fish and I had no idea what to get. I thought about cichlids but when I saw them up close they weren't really impressive. Ive always wanted puffers and I ended up getting 4 and I love em to death. Kind of aggrivating to feed though. Try some of those, I love thier eyes.
Ok here are a few pics. Hope this works. Let me know what you think of the tank, fish, and pic quality. I tried to get good pics but my camera doesn't zoom so it was kinda hard to get closeups of the fish. Also I will still work on more in the tank when I decide what to do. I'm not big on plants so any suggestions would be great. Sorry they are so big. Anybody know how to resize them?



I like the tank but I'd definitely get some sort of fish for the middle and top, because it looks so empty in there. Maybe put a background if you don't like plants so you can hide the filters and stuff.
I will for sure get some middle/top fish eventually. Don't want to add too many at one time. Probably wait a few weeks and get 3 or so more corys and a few dwarf gouramis. I have a background but just haven't put it up yet. It is just plain blue though. What is the best way to put these on? I have never done one before. This won't hide the filters however as they are internal filters. The only thing it will do is hide the chords and just give it a better look.

Love the skunk cories :)

The albinos are most likely albinos of the bronze cory - aeneus. There are albinos of the sterbai and peppered cories, but they're much more rare than the aeneus.

The spotted cories labelled as julii may not really be julii cories. Lots of times they take trilineatus and label them as julii. If they've got an expensive price tag double check! You can compare thumbnails of the different corydoras species at Planet Catfish. The main difference between the julii and the trilineatus is the spots on the head. On the trili, they can be single spots or connected in little lines (reticulated) but on the julii, they will never be reticulated, just single spots. Also, on the rest of the body, the julii seems to have much fewer spots.

I love the spotted cories too - another good one is leucomelas :wub:
I was told by the fish store that I actually trust that on the spotted corys, that the males have 2 lines on their heads. Somewhat similar to the lines on the skunk cory, but it is only on their head. I did notice on planetcatfish lastnight that the julli corys have somewhat bigger and a lot fewer spots. With only 6 catfish and them being very small how long would everybody suggest I wait before getting more fish? And would it be best to go ahead and get more catfish or should I get my gouramis? I have heard the water needs to be a little more established for the gouramis. Is this true?

Ok I'm back with more questions. My fish are doing great so far. One question is how much should I be feeding them? I normally drop 4 shrimp pellets in the tank before I go to work and then sometime before I go to bed. They never sit in there very long so I don't think I am giving them too much, but is that enough. Also with only 6 corys would a whole cube of frozen bloodworms be too much? Will blood worms mess up the water if they stay in there like other things will? Also what are some other good things corys like to eat? Also I have noticed that each species is staying together more than I thought they would. I was going to get 3 or 4 different species and split them up accordingly, but am wondering if I should just stick with 2 and get more of each kind. Any help is appreciated.

Still trying to decide what else to put in. Am planning to end up with 12 corydoras. Should I then put gouramis or guppies in the tank? I would rather have gouramis so I don't have to worry about breeding as much, but they like fairly calm water and my water flows pretty fast. Guess they can just find a spot that isn't moving that much as they will establish territories anyway. Would my tank be too overstocked with 10-12 corydoras, 3-4 dwarf gouramis, 4 guppies, 4 platies, 4 mollies (maybe balloon)? This way I wouldn't have to decide between the different types of live bearers, and wouldn't have to decide between them and gouramis. I could drop down to 2 gouramis and that wouldn't be a problem for me. Any opinions?

bccromer said:
Ok I'm back with more questions. My fish are doing great so far. One question is how much should I be feeding them? I normally drop 4 shrimp pellets in the tank before I go to work and then sometime before I go to bed. They never sit in there very long so I don't think I am giving them too much, but is that enough. Also with only 6 corys would a whole cube of frozen bloodworms be too much? Will blood worms mess up the water if they stay in there like other things will? Also what are some other good things corys like to eat? Also I have noticed that each species is staying together more than I thought they would. I was going to get 3 or 4 different species and split them up accordingly, but am wondering if I should just stick with 2 and get more of each kind. Any help is appreciated.

That sounds like way too much food. I normally drop in 2 shrimp pellets once a day for my 11 cories. It's better to have them slightly underfed than overfed. Plus, where you have gravel, it might not all be getting eaten, it might just be falling down in the cracks in your gravel. I would do 2 pellets once a day, maybe even just one pellet.

Your stocking list sounds fine to me, but I don't know much about livebearers.

Yes, a whole cube of frozen bloodworms sounds like it would be too much.

I would definitely just get 2 species and keep more of each rather than 3-4 split up. I would have stocked that way from the beginning if I'd known. They're not a threat to each other or anything, but each species definitely seems to prefer its own.
If you're worried about teh current disturbing the gouramis, you could get some floating plants to break the current up a bit.

and to solve the problem of guppies breeding....only get males. ;)

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