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This is not easy. I don't know the dimensions of your 30g tank, but Ctenopoma should be in a 4-foot tank. Being an ambush predator, it needs thick plant growth and dim lighting. More info here:
I certainly would not add an angelfish; this is a shoaling species that should be in a small group and there is certainly not space for that. While some do have lone angelfish, this is not something I recommend because it goes against the fish's natural expectation to live in a group.
Rams are another set of issues; the common or blue ram needs warmth, at least 80F, but this is not going to suit the cories (more on this below).
Other gourami, depending upon species, might work. But remember, gourami like cichlids are territorial (males) and this can easily lead to problems.
My advice is to keep what you have. You do need more cories though; these are shoaling fish and a group of at least five or six, preferably more (you could have 8-10 here), is strongly advisable. This you should certainly fix. You could lower the temperature a tad, say to 75-76; the cories would be much happier, and the other fish will be OK.