Stocking 20 Gallon Tank Live Plants And Fish

Shrimp should be fine with the khuli loaches, though to be fair I havn't put any in with mine. Their mouths are tiny though.
I don't know anything about DHG, sorry :(
I'm terrible at the actual stocking numbers so hopefully Hobby or WB or someone else can answer that for ya. I'm sure they will just might not be til tomorrow :)
Yeah I think you can go to about 10 with the neons (if you have hard water I don't recommend getting neons at all). Do you plan on getting male and female endlers? This would promise a lot of fry

For the Kuhlis sand as a substrate is a must! Don't get them if you got something else.
Also I would recommend to start with the endlers (you already got them) and the kuhlis only. Let your tank mature for one more month (you will have something to look forward too, anticipation is one of the greatest joys
) and add the neons later when everything works fine.
How many endlers bearers cause i would rather have a bunch of them and then like 7 neon tetras

how do i switch from black gravel to sand
if the water is too hard could I just get danios to go with the live bearers
and right now i only have 4 EB and 1 loach so im thinking i change my substrate then wait a month for everything to settle out then get the loaches and the endler bearers and the neon tetra because my fish store doesnt have them so i have to order offline and can only buy things in 30 bundles so it forces me to buy them all at the same time and petsmart wont let me order fish through them
It depends on the danios, as ones such as zebra danios, while somewhat small, are extremely active so are recommended to be kept in a 3-4ft tank. They're also subtropical.
If you mean something like Celestial Pearl Danios, that may work, though I'm unsure how they are in hard water. I have hard water and I have neons, but not sure exactly how hard our water is :/
For black sand you can get a few different kinds at most pet stores. If you are set on getting really cheap kind, tractor supply co. has some black diamond blasting sand.
You'll want to google about it and see if you feel you want to use it. I have a friend who uses it with his bottom dwellers, no problems. But some things I've read..we decided we'd rather just pay a little more.
To make the switch over, you'll want to put all your plants/decorations in a bucket, and your fish in another.
Save a bit of the water to lessen the shock as when switching substrates it's sort of like doing a huge water change.
Take the gravel out, rinse your sand and put it in, give a littel bit to settle.
Refill with some of the water you saved and new dechlorinated tap water. Add decorations and plants, and add fish. Leave lights off to lessen stress. :) I think that's about it.

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